Key West NOW Events

  • Key West NOW is holding a #MeToo event on Tuesday, December 19th at at the Elks Club on Whitehead Street at 6pm. #MeTooKeyWest offers women the opportunity to share their stories of sexual harassment  anonymously, without the fear of retaliation, and listen to others’ local experiences as well.

Anyone may just show up (participation is free) to contribute or listen. Also, women are invited to send their anonymous sexual harassment stories to [email protected]. Key West NOW will print out the stories, protecting anonymity, and display them for others to read. Suggestions for writing stories are available on Facebook at and on twitter at @MeTooKeyWest.

  • Key West National Organization for Women will meet at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 27.  The meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting gender equality issues.  A social hour follows the meeting.  KWNOW gathers on the fourth Wednesday of every month in the back dining room of Shanna Key Irish Pub, 1900 Flagler Ave., Key West.   For more information, or to join, email: [email protected].

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