Jenna Stauffer and Good Morning Florida Keys Featuring Kids Wish Network

Cameron Bonney was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells. She immediately started chemotherapy treatment. After seven rounds of the harrowing treatment and two bone marrow transplants, Cameron still faced more issues.

In June 2010, Cameron’s body rejected her second bone marrow transplant, and she was diagnosed with chronic scleradormatous. This disorder causes a buildup of collagen between the muscle and skin which restricts movement. New treatment for both her cancer and scleradormatous caused a reduction in blood flow to her bones making them crumble. Cameron soon needed a total knee replacement.

Then, in December 2014, Cameron started experiencing pain in her chest and shortness of breath. Doctors discovered a blood clot in her right atrium. The first attempt to treat the clot was unsuccessful, and Cameron underwent surgery for its removal later that month. Cameron continues to have issues with her conditions. She takes several medications, five of which are used to treat her nausea. She also takes blood thinners, pain medication and antibiotics.

Despite her struggles, Cameron is a caring and resilient teen who loves to spend time with her family and friends. Her biggest wish is for a tropical beach vacation, and The Kids Wish Network just made it come true.

Learn more about Kids Wish Network here.

For more great interviews with Jenna Stauffer and Good Morning Florida Keys click here and here.

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