Special thanks to Diver Brad for the video clip taken during storm at Southernmost Point




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9 thoughts on “HURRICANE IRMA, Key West

  1. Glad to see The Blue Paper up and at it again. Your staff and readers are in my family’s prayers up here in Gainesville, were we got a very small taste of what hit the Keys.

  2. Thanks for posting this video. You captured some wonderful footage and edited it very well. So glad that you, Arnaud and family made it through. Best wishes to all.

  3. Naja, so good to see your smiling face and hear Arnaud’s
    voice! So glad you are well. Such a frightening experience! From what I understand, those that stayed probably won’t next time and those that left probably will stay. Sucks either way. Maria, go away! Viva Key West!

  4. Bravo! Thank you, Arnaud and Naja! I almost want to say, You succeeded where others, including me, hightailed it! I did say it. Where’s the Pulitzer Committee? I look forward to seeing your video on the lower keys above Key West.

    Am having other more revolutionary thoughts, too. Like, well, stow that for now.

    I’m so glad you and many others who stayed, I recognized quite a few in the video, were not swept away or crushed or stabbed with flying nails or boards. The clean up will be intense.

    1. I hoped the ad put a nice chunk of greenbacks into the blue paper coffers, to compensate for the blue papers many readers not paying Arnand and Naja a fair wage for all the hard and sometimes very dangerous work they do, like, hmmm, wandering around Key West and being on a boat during that storm most lately comes to mind.

  5. Thanks for producing and posting the video. I just discovered it and watched it. Have been very busy since the storm trying to save my business. I stayed and prepared very well, but rather than staying in my house I went to the High School. Thus, did not really see any of the storm and only a bit of the aftermath. Luckily I was up the hill a bit from the street and my truck survived fine. Walking out it looked like the town was okay. Of course the high school sign was down blocking half the entrance. Waited a number of hours for the water to go down on Flagler in order to drive home to Stock Island. Two trailers in the middle of my street 9th Avenue were destroyed. My house was fine, except for all the neighbors wooden fences down against the house. Got that cleaned up in a day. Luckily I have an outdoor gas stove and had 3 tanks of propane. We made meals for the house and other people in the area. Had 20 gals. of gas and a small power inverter in my truck to charge tool batteries and run a small light and fan. Ordered a small generator but it didn’t actually get here until like a month after Irma. Had food and water, but getting ice was nice. I left for Ivan and the only place I had to go was relatives in Naples and Ivan went there after Key West.
    Decided to never leave again and that is reinforced by the week or so people were kept out of town. I stayed to protect my stuff. I am 66 and it is way too late to start over. If I lost my stuff, being dead would be a favor. I did serious preparation to protect my equipment and inventory and moved lots of stuff to a 2nd Floor storage unit at AC Secured Storage where it was all in plastic bags, just in case. I thank them for being open for as long as they were. The curfew in Key West was mostly bullshit and I told Ramsey that. I suppose it was necessary given the large number of houses and businesses where the people evacuated that had no one to watch them, but also the whole looting fear was greatly exaggerated. The City and County generally sucked at communications and organization. Many thanks to the Blue Paper for all that you do.

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