Key West historic figures (L-R) Shel Silverstein (Quinton Trader), Ernest Hemingway (Atticus White), and Jose Marti (Victor Espinosa-Rosello) give us their winning smiles for the Historic Halloween event on Tuesday, October 31 at May Sands Montessori. Missing was Mel Fisher, who had already left to go find more treasure. Every student at the school selected a historic figure that inspired them and wrote essays based on their research of them. May Sands Montessori is a free, lottery-based public school that is open to all children and strives to reflect the diversity of our community while guiding students in the development of curiosity, self-motivation and respect. For more information or to schedule a time to observe the Montessori model at work in the classrooms, contact Principal Lynn Barras at 305. 293.1400 x 53418 or visit Photos by Cricket Desmarais.
May Sands Montessori school nurse Renee Maakima embodies the historic “School House Louse” with her daughters (L-R) Caylaa and Mayaa Makima ( Margaret Fuller and Maya Angelou) during the school’s Historic Halloween presentation.
Taking time from their salt-water research are (L-R) Sylvia Earle (Erin Kenny) and Jacques Cousteau (Kanaan Pailloux-Paturno) at the May Sands Montessori Historic Halloween presentation.
Rosa Parks (Glenna Barnes), Mahatma Gandhi (Seava Lamontagne) and Dian Fossey (Stellina Pelligrino) pause from their world-changing efforts to pose for the camera during the school’s Historic Halloween presentation. Photo by Cricket Desmarais.