gallery on greene

Gallery on Greene Presents Tropical Elevations, March 21st

gallery on greeneCurating an important collection of Key West art with an emphasis on works of authentic, historic importance and local charm, from 1934 to present day, gallery director Nance Frank brings tremendous personal commitment and enthusiasm for art and collectors. The gallery seeks to satisfy both the casual art buyer and the established collector in the primary and secondary markets with works by Mario Sanchez, Peter Vey, Jeff MacNelly, Bruce McGarey, Mike Rooney, Mike Peters, Tennessee Williams (The Playwright), Suzie DePoo, James Kerr, Harriet Frank, Priscilla Coote, Andy Thurber, Karen Sheridan, Rita MacNelly & Beezy Bogan, Tom Joris, Kim Northrop, Mark T. Smith, Van Eno, Bill Thompson, and Cuban greats; Fabelo, Luis Abreux, Wifredo Lam, Gil Garcia, Expo, Raciel Linares, Toste, Miguel Angel Couret and scores of director-selected fine Cuban art.

The Gallery on Greene, established in 1996, has been located in the Historic District’s Seaport area of Key West. The common denominator has been the “spirit” or artistic integrity of the work, a highly accomplished technique, and outstanding value. Frank strongly believes that a dealer in contemporary art has a great responsibility to help people learn how to look at art and to feel what it’s about as well as understanding it’s financial value.

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