Florida Keys Council of the Arts Cultural Calendar

Plein aire artist. Gallery on Greene, 606 Greene St. galleryongreene.com
Visit keysarts.com, Cultural Calendar for more listings and events throughout the Keys.
Key West Happenings
Endless Summer, Mike Rooney Opening Reception, 5 PM
Plein aire artist. Gallery on Greene, 606 Greene St. galleryongreene.com
Carol McArdle: The Magic of the Mangrove Opening Reception, 6 PM
McArdle, oil painter, unveils her newest works of mangroves, sea grapes and aquatic birds. Rockhouse Masterpieces, 330 Julia St. rockhouseart.com
Stars of New York City Ballet, 8 PM
A rare opportunity to see Principal Dancers from the New York City Ballet performing in Key West. It showcases ballets ranging from the classics to the most contemporary works of today. Tennessee Williams Theatre, 5901 College Rd. 305-295-7676. keystix.com
8th Annual Plein Air Key West, 9 AM
Artists register to paint at their outdoor location of choice. 1 p.m. return finished works to the Art Center for display. 5-7:30 p.m. Happy Hour Show and Sale. People’s Choice Awards. Key West Art Center, 301 Front St. 305-294-1241. keywestartcenter.com
Key West Botanical Garden Society 80th Anniversary Jubilee, 5:30 PM
Celebrating 80 years of history and all the people and supporters who got us here. Purchase tickets online or call. Key West Botanical Garden, 5210 College Rd. 305-295-8736. kwbgs.org
Picnic Under The Stars, 5 PM
Four of the island’s community organizations: Boys andGirls Club, Key West Art and Historical Society, Mote Marine, and Womankind are joining forces as a joint fundraiser. Participants can bring a blanket to this family-friendly event to celebrate environmental, education, arts and culture, and health care missions. Enjoy live music, food truck vendors, libations and games and activities for kids. Fort East Martello, 3501 South Roosevelt Blvd. 305-295-6616. kwahs.org
Key West Artisan Market: Free Wheelin’ and Bicycle Show, 10 AM
Art, Food, Wine and Craft Beer, Shopping and Entertainment. Restaurant Store, 1111 Eaton St. facebook.com/KeyWestArtisanMarket
Florida Keys Wildlife Refuges Outdoor Festival
Four action packed days of outdoor adventures and hands-on activities including guided birding and nature walks, a historical bike ride, art and photography workshops, kids programs, a behind-the-scenes kayak excursion into the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge and much more. Plus the 2nd Annual Run With Deer 5K race is Saturday, March 19th on Big Pine Key.
305-872-0645. favorfloridakeys.org/outdoor-fest
Tennessee Williams Birthday Celebration
Various Key West times and venues: month long birthday celebration with classic films, forums, theater, painting, poetry and short story contests and more. twkw.org
Tropic Cinema:
Monday – Tennessee Williams Classic Film Series: The Fugitive Kind, 6 PM
Wednesday – New York Film Critics Series: The Confirmation, 7 PM
416 Eaton St. tropiccinema.com
Key West Library Matinees, 3:30 PM
700 Fleming St. 305-292-3595. keyslibraries.org
Key West Art andHistorical Society: Distinguished Speaker Series – Betty Jean Steinshouer, 6 PM
Florida History through the milieu of three women authors: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and Marjory Stoneman Douglas. The Custom House, 281 Front St. 305-295-6616. kwahs.org
Friends of the Key West Library Lecture Series: Meg Cabot, 6 PM
Meg Cabot, author of the popular Princess Diaries, has published over 80 novels written for kids, tweens, teens, and adults. She’ll talk about her multi-tiered career including her newest title, Remembrance, a romantic thriller for adults. Free admission, seating first come basis. Key West Theater, 512 Eaton St. friendsofthekeywestlibrary.org
Florida Keys Community College VIP Series: Tennessee Williams in Key West, 7 PM
Dennis Beaver, Founder/Curator of the Tennessee Williams Key West Exhibit. This presentation is an overview of the life of playwright Tennessee Williams during his residency in Key West from 1949 to 1983. FKCC, 5901 College Rd. 305-295-7676. keystix.com
Cafe con Libros, 9:30 AM
Thursday: Hy Conrad – Author of the Amy’s Travel Mystery Series; Tuesday: Rosalind Brackenbury – Author of “The Circus at the End of the World.” Key West Library, 700 Fleming St. 305-292-3595. keyslibraries.org
Key West Writer’s Guild, 9 AM
Key West by the Sea, 2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd. keywestwritersguild.org
Key West House and Garden Tours, 10 AM
Each tour features homes and gardens reflecting the varied tastes and originality of their owners. Old Island Restoration Foundation. 305-294-9501. oirf.org
Impromptu Classical Concert – Axiom Brass Quintet, 4 PM
Axiom Brass is a Chicago-based quintet dedicated to enriching the lives of its audiences, as well as to educating future musicians and appreciators of great music. St. Paul’s Church, 401 Duval St. 305-295-7676. keystix.com
Jazz in the Gardens, 5:30 PM
Mike Emerson and Friends. The Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela St. 305-294-2661.
Paradise Big Band, 8 PM
The 17 piece Paradise Big Bamd will feature local vocalists and guest musicians. Tennessee Williams Cabaret, 5901 College Rd. 305-295-7676. keystix.com
“From Sea to Shining Sea” – The American Bombshells Concert, 6 PM
New 2016 musical spectacular. The Truman Little White House, 111 Front St. 305-295-7676. keystix.com
Tuesday League of Crafty Musicians with The Budapest Boyz and Barna Pely, 9 PM
Fronting the group on vocals and guitar is Barna Pely; keyboards is Aron Romhanyi and Skipper Kripitz on drums. Guest vocalists will include Dorina and Reka, and Baby T. Virgillio’s, 524 Duval St. 305-296-1075.
Thursday-Saturday, thru March 12
Buyer and Cellar, 8 PM
Nick Cearley of “The Skivvies” stars in this imagined tale of an out-of-work actor that gets hired by Barbra Streisand to be the clerk in her Malibu estate’s basement arcade where only Babs herself is the buyer. Tues-Sat thru Mar 12th. Red Barn Theatre, 319 Duval St. (rear) 305-296-9911. redbarntheatre.com
March 11-18
Locura, 8 PM
An original play by Key West playwright Michael Marrero set in and around Key West in the early 1980s.
Key West Theater, 512 Eaton St. keywesttheater.com
Tuesday-Saturday, thru March 26
The Producers, 8 PM
A scheming producer and his mousy accountant aim to produce the biggest flop on Broadway in Mel Brooks’ laugh-out-loud spectacle. Based on Mel Brooks’ classic film. Waterfront Playhouse, 310 Wall St. 305-294-5015. waterfrontplayhouse.org
Tennessee’s Letters, Live! , 8 PM
Based on the popular “Letters Live” performance series in which correspondence “deserving a wider audience” are read live. Williams’ letters of note include correspondence with some of the most famous people of the day. This performance provides insight into the emotional and artistic rollercoaster that plagued the writer for most of his life. Developed and directed by Rebecca Tomlinson. The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton St. twkw.org
Middle Keys Happenings
The Connections Project 2016: Mosaic Opening Reception, 5:30 PM
A Mosaic of the Keys – 400 original 6×6 canvases unveiled. Festive hors d’oeuvres and libations by Chef Theo, desserts provided by Batter-up Cakery. Giorgione Fine Art Studio and Gallery, Gulfside Village, 5800 Overseas Hwy., Ste. 35, MM 50 (b). 305-295-4369. keysarts.com
Artists in Paradise Gallery
DAILY: Paul Shetrompf Featured Artist of the Month, 10AM-6PM
Artists in Paradise Gallery, Winn-Dixie Shopping Center, Big Pine Key, MM 30. 305-872-1828. artistsinparadise.com
Florida Keys Watercolor Society Presents their 34th Annual Judged Exhibition’s – Opening Reception, 5 PM
View Exhibit each Thursday-Saturday, 11-4 from March 10th thru April 2nd and before curtain and during intermissions of MCT Musical. Gallery of the Marathon Community Theater, MM 47.5 (o) 305-731-3046.
Out of the Blue Spring Show, 9 AM
Out of the Blue Gallery, 29842 Overseas Hwy. 305-872-1828. artistsinparadise.com
Marathon Seafood Festival, 10 AM
Marathon Community Park, 200 36th St. 800-262-7284. marathonseafoodfestival.com
Florida Keys Wildlife Refuges Outdoor Festival (Key Largo, Big Pine and Lower Florida Keys)
Four action packed days of outdoor adventures and hands-on activities including guided birding and nature walks, a historical bike ride, art and photography workshops, kids programs, a behind-the-scenes kayak excursion into the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge and much more. Plus the 2nd Annual Run With Deer 5K race is Saturday, March 19th on Big Pine Key.
305-872-0645. favorfloridakeys.org/outdoor-fest
Keys Writers Meeting, 1 PM
Big Pine Library, Winn-Dixie Shopping Plaza. 305-872-0992. keyslibraries.org
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, 8 PM
Musical/comedy “Forum” takes place in ancient Rome. It’s the fast-paced, witty and irreverent tale of a crafty slave named Pseudolus as he schemes to win his freedom. Marathon Community Theatre, MM 47.5 (o), behind Plaza Grill. 305-743-0994. marathontheater.org
Upper Keys Happenings
Thursdays-Sundays, March 10-13, 17-20
The Art Guild of the Purple Isles 50th Annual Judged Members Art Show, 10 AM to 5 PM
Premier show of fine arts and photography. March 17th the show will be open til 8 p.m.
Florida Keys History and Discovery Center, Islander Resort, MM 82.1, Islamorada. 305-451-2726. artguildofthepurpleisles.com
Daily in March
Art Quilt Exhibition “Florida Architecture”, 9:30 AM
Key Largo Public Library, Tradewinds Plaza, MM 101 (b). 305-451-2396. keyslibraries.org
Florida Keys Wildlife Refuges Outdoor Festival (Key Largo, Big Pine and Lower Florida Keys)
Four action packed days of outdoor adventures and hands-on activities including guided birding and nature walks, a historical bike ride, art and photography workshops, kids programs, a behind-the-scenes kayak excursion into the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge and much more. Plus the 2nd Annual Run With Deer 5K race is Saturday, March 19th on Big Pine Key.
305-872-0645. favorfloridakeys.org/outdoor-fest
Florida Keys History andDiscovery – Mid Week Matinee, 2 PM
Keys History andDiscovery Center, Islander Resort, MM 82 (o), Islamorada. 305-922-2237. keysdiscovery.com
The Inside Story – Conversations with Keys Authors Series: James Hall, 6 PM
Author of 19 novels, most recent, The Big Finish. Hall’s non-fiction work includes Hot Damn!, a collection of personal essays. His most recent non-fiction effort is Hit Lit which is an analysis of 12 of the most commercially successful novels of the last century. Hall is also the author of two collections of short stories: Paper Products, and Over Exposure, an ebook that contains his Edgar Award winning short story, “The Catch.” Free and open to the public. Islamorada’s Helen Wadley Branch Library, 81830 Overseas Hwy. 305-852-9886.
-Swing Dance Lessons with Lucy and Charlie, WEDNESDAYs, 7 PM. Paradise Health andFitness Dance Studio, 1706 N. Roosevelt Blvd. 305-296-6348 or 305-745-5578. [email protected]
-Theo and Ganine’s Dance Center. American and International styles, wedding dance, swing, salsa. Beginner’s welcome, no partner required. Ballroom and Latin Dance Instruction. 5800 Overseas Hwy., Suite 40, Marathon. 305-766-3428. keysdancecenter.com
-On Your Toes Dance Studio. Focused on teaching ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary and acrobatics to students aged 3-18.
92451 Overseas Highway, Tavernier. 305-852-3818. oytdancestudio.com
-Salsa and Salsa Rueda too Dance Class, FRIDAYs/WEDNESDAYs, 7 PM/8 PM. All levels, drop in class, no partner needed. Paradise Health and Fitness Dance Studio, 1706 N Roosevelt Blvd. 305-296-6348. [email protected]
-CoffeeMill Dance Studio – Fall Adult Classes check website for full schedule. 916 Pohalski St. 305-296-9982. coffeemilldance.com
-Dance Factory – Social Dancing: Ballroom and Latin, SUNDAYs, 7 PM. No partner needed/singles welcome. 906C Kennedy Dr. 305-304-8184. dancefactorykeywest.com
-Key West Country Western Dancers, TUESDAYs, 7:45 PM. Texas 2-step, swing, waltz, cha cha. Free line dance lessons. Blue Room at BottleCap, 1128 Simonton St. 724-333-4137.
-Finding Your Voice in Watercolor with Karen Beauprie, Tuesdays, 10 AM, Key West Art Center, 301 Front St. Bring own supplies-list available at beausartstudio.com
– Life Drawing Workshops with Annamarie Giordano, THURSDAYs, 11 AM. Weekly 3-hour long class. Models wanted. Florida Keys Community College, 5901 College Rd. 609-884-3474.
-Plein Air Painting Classes in Sugarloaf, THURSDAYs at 9:30 AM. Call Jim Salem for more information. 305-394-5555. [email protected]
-The Studios of Key West – Classes and Workshops: Painting and drawing, writing and reading, Photo and Mixed Media, Culinary Arts, Kids and Teens, Music Performance and movement. 533 Eaton St. 305-296-0458. tskw.org
-The Art Studio in Marathon – Classes and workshops: Pottery, Clay, Glass, Painting, Sculpture and more. 12535 Overseas Hwy, Oceanside. 305-289-9013. keysartstudio.com
-Morada Way Arts and Cultural District – Classes and workshops: Playing with Abstraction, Beer 101, Plein Air to the Next Level, Creating with Clay, Underwater Realism, Palm Frond Boats, Write Your Story, Exploring Paint with Taylor, Keeping Images Alive.
151 Morada Way, MM 81.5, 305-900-9023.
-Libby York, Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Little Room Jazz Club, 821 Duval St. libbyyork.com
-Nightly Entertainment at Tavern N’ Town, featuring Michael Thomas, Carmen Rodriguez, Mike Emerson, Bobby Nesbitt and
Rob DiStasi. Call for weekly line-up 305-296-8100. Marriot Beachside, 3841 N. Roosevelt Blvd.
-Showtunes on the Beach with Bobby Nesbitt and Skipper Kripitz, THURSDAYs, 4:30 p.m., Salute, 1000 Atlantic Blvd. 305-292-1117.
-In the Cabaret and Jazz in the Gardens, Wed-Sun 5 p.m. The Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela St.
-Dave Feder, Thursdays, 9 p.m. oo-tray Restaurant, 80939 Overseas Hwy., Islamorada. 305-922-2027.
-Southernmost Magnolia, Thursdays, 6 p.m. B.O.’s Fish Wagon, 801 Caroline St.
-Rock Solomon and Tim McAlpine, Fridays, 3 p.m. Patio Bar, 525 United St. 305-292-1450.
-Steve Gibson on the Mandolin, Fridays 6 p.m. Salute, 1000 Atlantic Blvd.
-Melody Cooper, Fridays/Wednesdays, 6 p.m., Bistro Sole, 1019 White St. 305-296-4288.