Fair Insurance Rates in Monroe (FIRM) Offers Free Flood Mitigation Workshops throughout Monroe County

FIRM wants to help you “Keep Your Head Above Water” with a series of flood mitigation workshops. The first workshop is in Key Largo at the Murray Nelson Government Center on March 30, followed by Key West on April 6 at the Harvey Government Center, and finishing in Marathon at the Marathon Government Center on April 11.  All workshops will be held in the Board of County Commissioners Chambers from 5:30-7:30 pm. You can pre-register by calling FIRM at 305-294-3476, emailing [email protected], or signing up on Facebook or our website at FirmKeys.org.

Funded in part by grants from the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys and the City of Marathon, the focus of these workshops is to provide homeowners with information that could potentially lower their flood insurance costs and allow them to better protect their property from flood damage.  In addition to the presentations by FIRM Board members, local floodplain managers and professional surveyors will be on hand to answer questions. Each attendee will receive a binder of information covered during the workshop with room to add their personal documents.

“FIRM recognizes that understanding FEMA’s guidelines and procedures can seem overwhelming,” explained FIRM Board Member and Flood Insurance Committee Chairperson Michael Larson.  “People are concerned about the cost of flood insurance and how that affects their ability to stay in the Keys and the potential resale value of their homes.  We believe that residents, floodplain managers, contractors, lenders, and all stakeholders in Monroe County can work together with common goals to solve these complex issues.”

FIRM is a grassroots organization formed in 2006 to fight for fair property insurance rates for property owners and residents of Monroe County, Florida (Florida Keys). Through advocacy and community outreach, FIRM contributes to housing affordability and helps residents remain and prosper in our community.

Mel Montagne, FIRM Board of Directors, President
422 Fleming Street #5
Key West, Florida 33040
[email protected]

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