by Kirby Congdon……. After the natives had built the stone walls for us to designate the legalities of the disorganized

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by Kirby Congdon……. Having found my voice along with everyone else during the poetry movement after World II, I criticized

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by Kirby Congdon……. A suggestion was overheard on television the other day which was that blacks often need a “slower”

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by Kirby Congdon……. We have had the Victorian period and World War I, to which we reacted with the roaring twenties

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by Kirby Congdon……. An aggressive poem, “Figure,” was put out as a folded broadside in 1967 and was recently advertised

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by Kirby Congdon……. As a new book on him has it, St. Augustine bounced around intellectually in his search for stability

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by Kirby Congdon……. As this journalist remarked to his spouse, writing this column, with one thing or another, makes me find

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