Agreement Ensures Survivors of Domestic Violence in Monroe County Maintain Shelter and Services

Marathon Shores, Fla – Local domestic violence services in Monroe County will continue uninterrupted thanks to an agreement between the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV), Victim Response, Inc. (The Lodge) and Monroe County’s Domestic Abuse Shelter, Inc. (DAS). The agreement ensures that survivors of domestic violence and their children residing in Monroe County continue to have access to critical life-saving shelter and services within the community.

“We believe wholeheartedly that this agreement will provide DAS with the tools and resources necessary, in both the short and long term to rebuild and emerge stronger than ever,” said Jennifer Powell, President of the DAS Board of Directors. “Our first concern has been and continues to be for survivors of domestic violence and their children, with this partnership we ensure that services are safe and remain available and accessible to women, children and men fleeing violent relationships.”

On May 3rd, the Florida Department of Children and Families issued an emergency order that temporarily suspends the certification of the Domestic Abuse Shelter (DAS) in Monroe County. In seeking to maintain a continuity of services with the least disruption to survivors and their children, FCADV and DAS established an agreement with The Lodge in Miami to provide the management and operations of current facilities in Monroe County.

“Florida’s certified domestic violence centers represent the first line of defense in achieving safety, security, healing and independence for domestic violence survivors and their children and are the only qualified agencies designed to provide a full continuum of services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for survivors and their children,” said Tiffany Carr, President/CEO of FCADV. “We are appreciative of our statewide and local partners who are working tirelessly by our side to provide this critical service in Monroe County.”

As one of Florida’s 42 certified centers, The Lodge is fully equipped to provide the leadership and management necessary for Monroe County survivors. “The Lodge stands ready and willing to assist our sister organization as they retool and rebuild,” said Angela Diaz-Vidaillet Executive Director of The Lodge. Powell added, “Last fiscal year, DAS provided 10,245 nights of emergency shelter to 277 domestic violence survivors and their children, we have full confidence in The Lodge and are grateful that not one single day of critical services will be lost during this transition. We are confident we will rebuild the trust of the State and our community”.

If you are in fear for your safety, please call the Statewide toll free confidential Florida Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-500-1119

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