HOMETOWN! Unveils One-Stop Candidate Resource

A new candidate and election information resource for Monroe County voters has been unveiled by Hometown! Key West—just in time for the upcoming 2018 Candidate Forums.

For the first time ever in Monroe County, voters, the media and interested parties may go to one online source, www.hometownkeywest.com, for candidate bios, campaign and issue platforms, and contact information that includes direct-linked email, Facebook and candidate websites.

“It is important for voters to have access to this information before Hometown’s July Candidate Forums and before the Mail by Vote ballots land in voters’ mailboxes,” said Hometown Board Chairman Todd German. “Our mission is simple – Informed Voters Promote Good Government.”

Hometown’s first political Q&A Candidate Forum is Monday, July 9, 2018, at The Studios of Key West, 533 Eaton Street, Key West. Beginning at 5:30 pm, the fast-paced Question and Answer format will feature the Republican and Democrat U.S. Congressional races, Republican County Commission District 2 race, School Board District 4, and KEYS Energy Seat D (Lower Keys) races.

Distinguished panelists are Robert Cintron, attorney and former KW Citizen Editorial Board member; Nancy Klingener, reporter, WLRN Radio; Mark Songer, President of Last Stand; and Linda Grist Cunningham, Secretary, League of Women Voters Lower Keys.

Doors open at 5 pm.  The event is free with light appetizers and cash bar.

The Key West Mayoral, City Commission and KEYS Energy Seat A forum will be held on Monday, July 23, 2018, at The Studios of Key West.

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