letter to the editor

Independent Bakers’ Association: “Rep. Carlos Curbelo is Deep in the Pockets of the Fanjul Sugar Cartel”

Dear Editor,

Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL-26) is in the pocket of the nation’s beet and cane sugar cartels!  Curbelo has done nothing to reform the badly outdated U.S. Sugar Program.  Why? It is really quite simple, Congressman Curbelo received well over $45,400 in political donations from the sugar cartels since coming to Washington in 2015.

The Sugar Program is a Soviet style command and control scheme that restricts planting and imports.  This inflates the price of sugar in the United States to almost double the world price. So, when you go to the store to buy a snack cake or anything sweetened, you pay more!   According to the Congressional Budget Office, the program means Americans pay $3.5 billion every year in increased grocery costs, which breaks down to upwards of $50 per family.

In Rep. Curbelo’s two years in office, he has gotten very cozy with the infamous Fanjul family, receiving $23,400 from them alone.  This is the same Fanjul family that is destroying the everglades to boost their $8 billion fortune.  The continuation of the program costs constituents of Florida’s 26th district an average of $8 million per year in increased grocery costs, not including environmental costs .  You have to ask yourself, is my Congressman really fighting to make life better, or is he just another politician in it for the campaign contributions?  It’s time for Congressman Curbelo to step up and end this costly government giveaway to the cartels!

The Independent Bakers’ Association is an international trade association that fights to protect the interests of mostly family owned wholesale bakers and allied trades.  For more information about IBA and sugar program corruption, visit SugarRefund.com.


Nicholas A. Pyle, President

Independent Bakers’ Association

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