First School Open in Keys

The students in the Spanish Lime classroom discuss where they went during the evacuation. Pictured are Phineas Haskell,Kaia Bell, Bonu Kambaritdinova, ​Tiberius Bradbary, Elizabeth Peregrina Lam, Liv Bowders, Samara Macdonald, Natalia Green, Teacher Sally Zeman, Ann Fergus, Anastasiya Quinn, Mason Martel, Ira Gironet Paenga, Finn Hickey

Parents, volunteers, and staff pulled together over the weekend at The Children’s School to open on Monday, September 25.  Board President, Evan Haskell, coordinated the event.  He said “providing families with a safe and secure educational environment was paramount to the stability and sense of community that families need right now”.

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