Big Pine Academy Students Create Cards for Orphans Living in Leogane After Hurricane Mathew Devastates the Island


Mrs.Sury’s Big Pine Academy First Grade Class Creating Cards For Haitian Orphans Nov. 6,
Children pose with their cards at the Church of The God of Prophesy in Leogane, Haiti Nov. 14, 2016.

Last November, Hanna Antonides, a senior at Key West High School and an active member of local nonprofit One World One Canvas (OWOC) organized art workshops for the Big Pine Academy first and fifth grade classes, in which she taught a lesson on the importance of charity and the students created cards for the orphans at The Church of The God of Prophesy Orphanage in Leogane, Haiti. With help from art teacher Ms.Conny, the entire school created cards decked out with crayons and lollipops for each child at the orphanage.

At the end of November, five other OWOC members and Hanna traveled to Haiti where local Florida Keys donations allowed them to prepare meals for family’s affected by Hurricane Mathew, made up of 3,500 lbs of rice, 1,500 lbs of beans, 8,000 bouillon cubes, and 1,000 bottles of oil along with over 8,000 other necessary supplies such as diapers and water purification tablets. They were able to distribute to 7 different areas which had not yet received aid. This was Hanna’s second trip to Haiti and with OWOC she has also traveled to Cuba and come spring break she will be heading to Nicaragua to provide art workshops to underprivileged and disabled children as well as assist with equine and hydro-therapy classes.

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