Holiday Parade Winners Named

Lower Keys Friends brought the Nightmare Before Christmas to downtown Key West and won the Mayor’s Cup.
Lower Keys Friends brought the Nightmare Before Christmas to downtown Key West and won the Mayor’s Cup.

Though every entry into this year’s Holiday Parade was a winner the moment it brought a smile to a child’s face, five entries earned special recognition from the judges.

  • Mayor’s Cup — Lower Keys Friends
  • Vice Mayor’s Cup — Basilica of St. Mary’s School
  • We have a tie for the Commissioner’s Cup — Florida Keys Aqueduct and Key West High School Conchettes
  • Honorable Mention – Fifth Street Baptist Church

The City of Key West wants to thank the community for this amazing effort. In addition to the hundreds of people who volunteered their time to participate, City officials particularly want to thank Joe Mather, Nancy D’Amato and Lenny Whitley for their tireless and continuous help each year. Gratitude also to the city employees who volunteered their time to make this another memorable parade.

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