Whiny Liberal Cry Babies!


by Rick Roberts…….

Who has noticed how whiny the press is that Trump won? At least give him a shot at it?

$10,000,000,000,000 in expenditure and the guy before him was still the worst president EVER! He f-ing blew that much money and still sucked more than any president ever has.

Trump can’t be worse, only equal, it just can’t be any worse. You will all get this email in a few years with your biting replies and realize he did what you thought he never could.

Hillary and Bill Clinton, and possibly Obama, and all their cronies like Abedin, Lynch, and Podesta are going to prison.

There will be a cleaning. Republicans, demon rats, all of them. People don’t care for any of them. They are the cause of the problem since Eisenhower.

REPEAT THIS and learn. MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Line my pockets with cash. I am entitled to be filthy rich. Everybody else are SHEEPLE. Who cares about the masses?

The press coverage now is a reaction to getting paid billions to throw an election, and finding out the internet and hackers have made them obsolete. Pollsters too.

God bless the hackers and WikiLeaks. They just annihilated these scum suckers.

I don’t like Trump any more than anybody else. I do like the fact that he wiped out the total entitlement political people in charge. Power to the small man is inside the computer I am typing on. Graft and theft of a bleating flock of Sheeple has been exposed.

It’s comedy central. Donald won and you people think stuff like I just sent you is mean…

      Grow the f-k up. Show some will power and some pride. Help.


2 thoughts on “Whiny Liberal Cry Babies!

    1. America was put in the Toilet when The Impeached Former President Slick Willy Clinton and his partner in Crime Allen Greenspan created the Currency Modernazation act, and paved the way for the Great Depression of 2007. And wasn’t it Slick Willy that also opened Pandora’s Box with the Cuban Reparations Act and now are Election Balots are also printed in Spanish. IF Slick Willy’s Wife Pinnocio Clinton would have been elected it would have been the Straw that FLUSHED America down the Drain. Now, Hopefully I can sit back and watch THE DONALD Drain the Swamp. And here’s my NEW year wish — All You Hollywood and Sports figures who publicly claimed that they would Leave America if The DONALD was elected. Send me your address so I can help you pack. And pick a Winey Crybaby country that you’ll fit right in.

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