Veterans Challenging Islamophobia Respond to Election


Veterans Challenging Islamophobia, a group of veterans dedicated to confronting bigotry and intolerance, release a statement regarding the election of Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump will be sworn in on January 20th, 2017 as the 45th President of the United States. Throughout this past year we have called upon Mr. Trump to abandon his divisive anti-Muslim rhetoric. He has done more to legitimize bigotry and create division than arguably any one person has done in the United States in decades.

As people of conscience, we must step up our support for marginalized, discriminated, and disenfranchised communities. It is our sincere hope that as Mr. Trump nears his inauguration, he embraces the oath of the Presidency and the sacred tenets of equality to which we as a nation aspire.

Mr. Trump will be taking an oath to lead three-hundred million U.S. Americans, of every race, ethnicity, and creed. The eyes of the world are upon him, as is the sacrosanct responsibility and history of the Presidency of these United States.

Interviews available upon request.

Nate Terani
Nate Terani

MILITARY SERVICE: Served in U.S. Navy and was the first Muslim-American selected to serve as a member of the elite U.S. Navy Presidential Honor Guard. During his time in the military Nate also worked as a member of military intelligence with the Defense Intelligence Agency.

PROFESSIONAL: Nate has worked in state politics, the nonprofit sector, and currently works with a number of veteran’s groups to eradicate hate speech against Muslims and other minority communities.

Ramon Mejía
Ramon Mejía

MILITARY SERVICE: Enlisted in Marine Corps out of economic necessity. He served in Supply Ops. and participated in the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003.

PROFESSIONAL: As an anti-militarism activist, he works to end militarism by transforming himself, military culture and American society. He has been an active organizer in countering local manifestations of hate and racism in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Ramon is a Social Studies teacher as well as a founding Organizer of #VetsVsHate, and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Veterans Challenging Islamophobia is a campaign initiated and coordinated by Veterans For Peace and made up of veterans who agree that bigotry and religious intolerance must be challenged.

2 thoughts on “Veterans Challenging Islamophobia Respond to Election

  1. I’ll more than likely give a person a chance to garner my respect by their actions Not their words. It’s very difficult fo me to have open arms to someone who has a tenet of their religion that I Must be killed because I’m an atheist. Many examples have been shown to the world lately on how this is being carried out. How can I respect someone who treats women like cattle. I just don’t get it. If Islam wants people’s respect they’ll have to earn it by deeds not words.

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