Domestic Abuse Shelter Regains State Certification

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Marathon Shores, Fla – Monroe County’s only domestic violence center, Domestic Abuse Shelter, Inc. (DAS), regained their state certification from Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF), lifting a six-month temporary suspension. As required by DCF’s May 3rd emergency order, DAS worked collaboratively with the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence (FCADV) and Victim Response, Inc. (The Lodge) to change its management and operations to ensure that the agency can maintain services in a sustainable manner over the long term.

“Our goal from the very beginning of this process was to ensure that survivors of domestic violence and their children have access to critical life-saving shelter, services and programs within Monroe County and that these services remain available long-term,” said DAS Board President, Jennifer Powell. “The past six months was intensive; however, this process resulted in an organization that is stronger and sustainable,” she said. Thanks to the hard work of FCADV and The Lodge, survivors received seamless, uninterrupted services during this interim period.

The DAS Board of Directors worked closely with FCADV on an intensive review to evaluate the status of the agency’s management, operations and fiscal affairs and to identify and implement necessary changes. As reflected in DCF’s emergency order, DAS’s certification was suspended in large part due to the organization’s inability to financially sustain emergency services. To regain full certification, DAS was required to make numerous changes in their overall organizational, fiscal and management operations, including ensuring appropriate staff and operating cash flow. By the end of November, DAS will possess a reserve of a minimum of 60 days to cash flow organizational expenditures while transitioning staff and hiring leadership positions within the organization. During the six-month suspension, DAS made not only satisfactory, but significant, progress in implementing changes to its management and operations and other measures recommended by FCADV.

A significant element to DAS’s long-term success is increasing the agency’s presence in our upper, middle, and lower keys communities. While working internally to restructure the organization, the DAS Board of Directors proactively engaged in rebuilding the trust of community partners and stakeholders. Board President Powell and each board member proactively began re-engaging with community partners to support and prioritize the needs of domestic violence survivors and their children. “We realize that in order to have strong community partners, we need to be a trusted partner and resource in the community,” said Powell. The success of the Board’s efforts are evident in the fact that during the past six months, DAS secured more private donors and engaged in more fundraising efforts than during any recent time period.

Tiffany Carr, President/CEO of FCADV worked closely with the DAS Board of Directors during this process and said, “DCF suspending the agency’s certification provided DAS the time necessary to engage in a sharp course correction that ultimately led to the creation of long-term financially sustainable services for survivors of domestic violence and their children in Monroe County. Through the leadership of Board President Jennifer Powell, I know that DAS has initiated an organizational transformation that may lead to a blueprint for other communities.”

Today’s announcement is possible because of the unwavering leadership of Zonta and the Marathon Business and Professional Women’s Network. Leaders within these two organizations provided avenues for the DAS Board of Directors to immerse themselves in community activities. These two organizations, in partnership with DAS Board members, led an unprecedented number of fundraisers for survivors and their children accessing emergency services in Monroe County.

If you are in fear or want help for a family member or friend in fear for their safety, please call the toll-free confidential Florida Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-500-1119 for assistance, advocacy and support.

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