Epidemiologist Retires with 27 Years of Service to DOH-Monroe

Jean Barber sits front row among fellow coworkers, third from the left.
Jean Barber sits front row among fellow coworkers, third from the left.

Florida Department of Health in Monroe County staff celebrated the retirement of Jean Barber, BSN, RN. Barber bid an emotional farewell after a vocal solo by the department’s HIV Prevention and Training Consultant, Clayton Lopez, to “It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.” Barber was the Epidemiologist for the department for over 27 years. She coordinated staff members and volunteers for innumerable Public Health events in Monroe County, including the Key West 2009-2010 Dengue outbreak. Barber also oversaw and investigated all emerging disease and injury patterns identified in Monroe County as reportable to the state of Florida, including Zika, Dengue, and Influenza.

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