Florida Wildlife Federation Encourages Citizens To Vote NO on Amendment 1


The Florida Wildlife Federation’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to Oppose Amendment 1 which will appear on the November 8th General Election Ballot. The Federation believes Amendment 1 will inhibit the growth of solar power in the State of Florida even as the state experiences climate change impacts brought on by the use of fossils fuels which cause global warming. As the state at the most risk from sea level rise, we must promote, not inhibit, the use of clean sources of energy. Below is the Resolution adopted by the Florida Wildlife Federation setting forth the reasons for opposing this amendment.


WHEREAS, the Florida Wildlife Federation (Federation) founded in 1936, has as part of its mission the sustainability of the ecological resources of Florida, and

WHEREAS, the Federation has long recognized the reality of human-induced climate change and associated climate volatility including increasing global temperatures, and

WHEREAS, Florida is a low lying coastal state that is and will continue to be negatively impacted by warming temperatures and rising seas, and

WHEREAS, rising seas and saltwater intrusion have caused numerous problems for native wildlife and native habitats, as well as for the residents of Florida, and

WHEREAS, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will help to slow the increase in global temperatures, and

WHEREAS, Florida is blessed with an inexhaustible and clean natural resource source of energy in the form of solar power, and

WHEREAS, in August 2016, 73% of Florida voters approved Amendment 4 to make solar energy more financially attractive to private users, and

WHEREAS, the Federation supported the aforementioned Amendment 4, and

WHEREAS, the Federation seeks to broaden the solar market to include independent and dispersed solar electricity production and solar power production by investor owned utilities, and

WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment 1, entitled Rights of Electricity Consumers Regarding Solar Energy Choice, to be voted on at the November 2016 General Election, would likely serve to limit the growth of solar power and thereby maintain our present reliance on greenhouse gas emitting sources of energy, and

WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment 1 would likely increase the cost for private customers to use solar power and thereby lessen the usage of clean energy, and

WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment 1 would likely hinder the use of “net metering,” thereby lessening the ability to sell excess power generated by private solar users, and

WHEREAS, passage of Amendment 1 would likely hinder the growth of solar power by creating barriers to customer-owned solar production, and

WHEREAS, the proposed Amendment 1 does not convey any rights to Floridians they do not presently enjoy, NOW

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Florida Wildlife Federation House of Delegates, at a duly empanelled and noticed meeting at Riviera Beach, Florida, has voted to approve the above Resolution IN OPPOSITION to Amendment 1.

Date: 9/24/2016

Steve O’Hara

Chair, Board of Directors

Florida Wildlife Federation


The Florida Wildlife Federation is a statewide citizens’ conservation and education organization working for the protection, enjoyment and wise use of Florida’s fish, wildlife and other natural resources. The Florida Wildlife Federation encourages the public’s appreciation of Florida’s environment through sustainable, resource-based outdoor recreation.


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