Five Marathons in Five Days for Young Carers


On October 31, 30 brave Brits are heading to Florida to walk four marathons and run a fifth in just five days to raise money for the award-winning UK arts charity Create.

The intrepid team, all staff from London-based diner chain The Breakfast Club, will start the challenge, dubbed The Beast, in Key Largo on October 4 and finish by taking part in the Southernmost Marathon in Key West on October 8 – an incredible total of 4,030 miles walked and run for Create.

Create, also based in London, designs and delivers creative arts programmes for disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the UK. The £20,000 ($26,484) target from The Breakfast Club’s epic Florida fundraiser will support Create’s life-changing inspired:arts programme with young carers.

A young carer is a child aged under 18 responsible, or partly responsible, for looking after someone else’s wellbeing. Caring can involve many things, such as helping get someone dressed, turning them in their sleep, helping them use the toilet or administering medication. Carers also help with things like shopping, laundry, cleaning, cooking, filling in forms or managing money. Research conducted by Carers Trust shows that although 55% of young carers are proud of the role they fulfil, 44% feel tired and 48% feel stressed because of their responsibilities. The demands of caring can leave them feeling overworked, minimising opportunities to socialise with their peers, and can result in stress and low self-esteem.

a-young-carer-taking-part-in-an-animation-workshopCreate works with young carers aged from as young as five through its multi-arts inspired:arts programme – including dance, drama, visual art, photography, animation, music and film – giving these incredible children meaningful time away from their caring responsibilities to invest in their own wellbeing. Time spent being creative with other young carers, under the guidance of Create’s exceptional professional artists, gives them a social outlet that enables them to develop their communication skills, confidence and peer-support networks … and have fun!

Alice, a young carer who took part in inspired:arts, said: “There are times when my mum just breaks down and cries because it’s so unbelievably hard for her. And that has a knock-on effect on me. I can’t always talk about caring because not everyone understands. But during Create’s workshops, it really helped to be around other young carers. They understand what it is that I’m going through.”

Dave Allen, founder of strategic brand consultancy BrandPie, who lives in New York, said: “Create is an amazing charity working tirelessly to provide meaningful creative experiences for people who would otherwise find it very difficult to take part. For my 60th birthday last month, I asked my friends and family to donate to Create in lieu of gifts and we raised an amazing $15,653. That money is going to be used to make a big, positive impact on the lives of many disadvantaged or vulnerable people.”

Chuck Stephens, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, EMEA at Google UK, said: “I wanted to support Create because they’re a small charity doing amazing things. When you donate to Create you can see the impact that your money makes on the lives of those who need it most.”

Johnathan Arana-Morton, co-founder of The Breakfast Club, said: “I love the idea of The Beast on every level. It’s pulled together 31 of our staff on an incredible journey that they’ll never forget but most importantly we’re raising money for the wonderful Create, my favourite London charity – they do some incredible work. Lastly I get to spend seven days in The Florida Keys – always a good thing.”

Create’s Co-Founder & Chief Executive, Nicky Goulder added: “Young carers are incredible children who give selflessly to others. The Breakfast Club team has chosen to undertake this incredible challenge to raise vital funds to enable us to work with children who don’t choose the challenges in their lives and we hope you will wish to support them.”

To support Create via The Beast, visit:

About Create
Founded in 2003, Create ( has run 6,666 creative arts workshops that have helped transform the lives of 32,032 disadvantaged and vulnerable participants, mainly as part of sustained, life-changing programmes. Aimed at those who are excluded through disability, disadvantage, ill-health, imprisonment, poverty or social isolation, participants are given access to high-quality creative arts experiences that help them develop confidence, trusting relationships, strong social skills and self-esteem. Every project helps to create a society that is fairer, more caring and more inclusive.

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