letter to the editor

“C’mon FKMCB….get to work. Use all the weapons that you have to protect us from ZIKA.”


4:30 PM Monday, August 1: 10 NEW ZIKA CASES IN MIAMI. Miami-Dade asks for help from Monroe County in combating the ZIKA mosquitos.

The Bloomberg News headline is “ZIKA NIGHTMARE HITS MIAMI.” The article chronicles the arrival of Florida’s first home grown cases of ZIKA.

The YAHOO NEWS head line is “MIAMI BLOOD DONATIONS HALTED OVER ZIKA FEARS.” The article chronicles the fact that Federal authorities have called for a halt to blood donations in Miami as a result of local cases of ZIKA.

The New York Times reports that Dr. Frieden, Director of the C.D.C. affirmatively states: “ZIKA is here now…” He warns that there likely will be more ZIKA cases and urges precautions. He adds that the disease often displays no symptoms… Often the tragedy is not discovered until parents learn that their infant has suffered a horrible birth defect.

Months ago, Governor Scott declared ZIKA to be a public health emergency in Florida.

ZIKA is here…to wait another day to deploy every weapon at our disposal is insanity. It is malfeasance.

We must wonder why there is no headline, no editorial, in our local papers demanding that Mosquito Control immediately begin using all the weapons that are at their disposal against ZIKA. ZIKA is here, but the board dithers…putting the health of Monroe residents and visitors at risk, especially the unborn.

It’s no mystery why the board dithers. It is because of the influence of powerful local and up Keys real estate interests who have led an outrageous fear campaign against the use of genetic engineering in vector control. Some people are actually terrified that the technology will create what they call “Frankenskeeters.” Patent nonsense! “Frankenskeeters” are the stuff of Jurassic Park and puerile horror movies. Not a single day goes by wherein your life is not improved by genetic engineering.

The use of genetic engineering in vector control has been proven to be safe and effective in repeated overseas trials. Our own FDA has deemed the process as presenting “minimal risk.” And yet…we still fail to use all the safe and effective weapons that are available.


The real estate cabal will hear none of it. Why? Because they place their profits above public health. They fight fiercely against the use of GM vector control.

Some realtors have taken to FaceBook to push their narrative of fear. There are at least two FaceBook groups that rail against the use of GM in Key Haven. They are the work of local realtors. At least one of these groups is “closed”…meaning that they ban the voices of anyone who has a contrary opinion. Apparently afraid of truth. One realtor has widely circulated an internet petition calling for the banning of GM to fight ZIKA.

The single most egregious act by the opponents of the use of GM to combat ZIKA comes from one of Monroe County’s most influential real estate investors: Ed Swift 111.

In a March 2015 email that was directed to the Director of FKMCB and to each commissioner, Mr. Swift, a Key Haven resident, demanded that the board scuttle any plans to use the GM process in his personal neighborhood. Mr. Swift specifically stated that the process would negatively impact his property values. Mr. Swift specifically stated that he would have no “no problem” with the use of the process anywhere else but in his neighborhood.

Then, Mr. Swift threatened each and every member of the Board with political retribution if they did not bend to his demands. It is obvious that Ed Swift 111 would have “no problem” with the use of GM to fight ZIKA in Bahama Village or in a trailer park on Stock Island.

He wrote: ……… “At any rate, any board member voting yes (for the use of GM vector control in Key Haven) will have my guarantee that I will fund their opponent and in the next election will lend myself to defeat them.” Then, he wrote: “Should you feel strongly about this test, put it in your neighborhood, or anywhere out of Key Haven.”

Mr. Swift 111’s hubris knows no bounds. I suggest you read the entirety of Mr. Ed Swift 111’s email, appended hereto, that was obtained via FOIA demand from FKMCB.

Until Swift’s letter, the GM vector control program was proceeding smoothly and was very nearly ready to launch. Then it came to a screeching halt. The board began to waffle…to quiver…to dither.

There are two incumbent FKMCB commissioners standing for reelection. Steve Smith and Jill Cranney-Gage. Both voted affirmatively for nearly every issue concerning the use GM in vector control. Both supported the program. Then Smith and Cranney-Gage began to waffle.

The ditherer in chief on the FKMCB is Steve Smith. Smith originally was an ardent proponent for the use us of GM vector control. That is no longer the case. On receipt of Ed Swift 111’s threat, Steve Smith began backing away. Nothing had changed, only Ed Swift 111’s letter and the influence of big realty interests intervened.

It appears that Steve Smith values his “job” on the board more than he values public health. Steve Smith is a 20-year veteran of the board. He is a poster child for term limits.

Most of the donations to Steve Smith’s campaign, to date, are from real estate/construction interests.

Smith and Cranney-Gages’ campaigns are fueled in the main with large infusions of real estate money.

The largest single contributor to Mr. Smith’s campaign is a local person who is in the construction industry and is heavily involved in real estate development.

The second largest contributor is Ed Swift 111, the author of the letter threatening FKMCB members. FKMCB incumbent and candidate, Steve Smith, apparently won the heart, mind, and wallet of Mr. Ed Swift 111. Swift’s influence in the local political community far outweighs the dollar value of his contributions.

The influence of big real estate has now reached far beyond simply changing the face and ethos of the Florida Keys that we love. Big real estate is now acting out against public health.

While candidates Smith and Cranney-Gage dither, your health and the health of the unborn is put at risk.

Mr. Smith has been on FKMCB for two decades, he does not deserve to be reelected. Ms. Cranney-Gage has served but one term…that is enough.

C’mon FKMCB….get to work. Use all the weapons that you have to protect us from ZIKA.

Walter Lagraves
Big Pine Key, Fl.

Ed Swift’s Email:

[gview file=”https://thebluepaper.com/wp-content/uploads/Ed-Swift-Email.pdf”]

One thought on ““C’mon FKMCB….get to work. Use all the weapons that you have to protect us from ZIKA.”

  1. mr lagraves
    perhaps they can have the ‘experiment’ in front of your house? other then real estate concerns and swift there are at least a half dozen enviormental groups in opposition to this ‘experiment’ at this time and 75% of the key haven population opposed too for mainly health reasons.

    I’m only a resident of key haven and not affiliatated with any special interest and sent this email in the spring of 2015. so this issue is not new.

    to whom it may concern
    i am a resident of key haven and completely resent this oxitec/mcb health intrusion whereas here is a list of questions sent to mcb and all county commissioners back in summer last year 2015..
    the highest concern is ‘by who’s permission’? all met with a deafening ‘SILENCE’ from the mcb.
    local key haven poll of half the households showed a vote of NO CONFIDENCE and AGAINST the RELEASE FOR 75% polled.
    below are my questions not to be confused with the 75% against poll taken.

    and if not why not???

    1- 75% of key haven residents are against this multi-million frankenbug release and resent being a lab rat for any mcb/oxitec human experiment ESPECIALLY without our permission. when will it be asked?

    2- mcb must have a complete EIS overseen by a 3rd party committee before any question of approval is entertained by mcb.

    3- oversight and insurance responsibility will be underwritten by whom and what are the policy limitations as noted on the declaration page?

    4- there needs be peer review documentation before any question of approval is entertained by mcb

    5- the language used in the ed russo in the key west resolution that required the MCB to provide their authority, standards, and criteria for success and failure etc. must also be incorporated and published.

    6- please note the mila petition online against the frankenbug experiment. [200k to date]

    7- i’m still waiting on the professors protestation of fabrication proof paper he said he would do on the below hyperlink sent last summer that speaks for itself.
    GM mosquitoes increase spread of dengue fever in Brazilian town, causing state of emergency to be renewed

    8- this release will also include gmo female mosquitoes. WHAT? do you mean the biting kind?

    as you can see there are some serious questions attached to this proposed action…all of which has been to my understanding ignored by doyle the executive director. perhaps doyle is speaking of the other key haven…the one in the invisible all state insurance commercial?
    nevertheless i think the point has been made.

    thanking you in advance
    key haven

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