Key West Sunrise Rotary Honors Gahan as Rotarian of the Year

Steve Gahan
Steve Gahan

Key West Sunrise Rotary President Jim Scholl named outgoing member Steve Gahan as Rotarian of the Year for his eleven years of service including two years heading international service programs and grants as a member of the Board of Directors.

After retiring from the U.S. Navy, Gahan came to Key West in 2001 as a contractor in downrange logistic support for the Joint Interagency Task Force South. Although his JIATF-S duties often took him out of the country, Gahan made Rotary a priority, playing important roles in the club’s major fundraising events.

“The big thing that distinguishes this club is we don’t sit on our wallets. We get out and perform sweat equity. And when you give of yourself, it means a lot more than just whipping out a checkbook,” Gahan said.

Normally, Key West Sunrise Rotary names its Rotarian of the Year during the installation of new officers in June. However, Scholl wanted to bestow the honor before Gahan, with his wife Jackie, moves from mile marker zero to mile marker 350 in Jacksonville this month.

The Key West Sunrise Rotary Club in the Conch Republic, established in 1988, supports charities and provides college scholarships through fundraising events including Brewfest, Poker Run and a golf tournament.


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