Special Needs Coordinator Honored As County’s Employee of the Year

Anna Haskins (middle), the Special Needs Coordinator, was honored as the Monroe County 2015 Employee of the Year. Social Services Senior Director Sheryl Graham and the County Commission applauded her accomplishments during the BOCC meeting in Key West on May 18, 2016.
Anna Haskins (middle), the Special Needs Coordinator, was honored as the Monroe County 2015 Employee of the Year. Social Services Senior Director Sheryl Graham and the County Commission applauded her accomplishments during the BOCC meeting in Key West on May 18, 2016.


The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners honored Special Needs Coordinator Anna Haskins as the County’s 2015 Employee of the Year.

As tears trickled down Haskins’ face as she stood next to the Commissioners and Social Services Senior Director Sheryl Graham, a letter by her supervisor was read during the BOCC meeting at the Harvey Government Center in Key West.

“Anna Haskins’ generosity of spirit at work and away from work with regard to the Social Services Department and our clients is beyond remarkable. This genuine care and giving spirit has earned Anna the Employee of the 3rd Quarter and now Employee of the Year awards. Without hesitation, I can say that Anna is by far the most loyal and dedicated employee that I have ever met since being with Monroe County. Anna gives her time, her money, her food, her love, and her effort to help those who are too elderly, frail or disabled to fully help themselves.

“Anna continues to visit our Key West home-delivered meal clients on holidays and surprise them with her delicious home cooked meals. Every holiday she sends me a picture of the meals she’s prepared and the menu she’s created and tells me all about the excitement on the faces of the clients as they greet her at the door. If you have someone in your family who is elderly or disabled, you could only wish for someone as good and wonderful as Anna to look after them.

Recently, a 93-year-old client of Anna’s was hospitalized. Anna went to the hospital on her own time to visit with him and while she was there, contacted his out of state son via Skype so the client and his son could visit face to face for a while. This visit brought great joy to both the client and his son. It is this kind of selfless act that makes Anna so special.”

Haskins began working for the County Clerk in 2000 in an entry level position. Her boss at the time was Commissioner Danny Kolhage, who was then the County Clerk.

“I’m a little biased, she’s like family,” Kolhage said of Haskins, whose job at the clerk’s office included marrying people.

In 2002 she went to work for Monroe County’s Social Services Department as the Special Needs Coordinator. While it’s the same job title she holds today, Haskins’ said the job description has drastically changed, with more and more responsibility.

“Anna, we couldn’t do what we do in Social Services without you,” Graham said. “You are truly a blessing to us.”

“I love it,” Haskins said. “I don’t do this for rewards.”

Commissioner Sylvia Murphy told the crowd that Haskins’ job includes overseeing the special needs registry (now at more than 500 people). “In time of possible evacuation and even if it looks like we have to, Anna gets busy and she checks on every person on that registry. … She is also a staff person for the Disabilities Council and that always is quite a job.”

Mayor Heather Carruthers added: “Congratulations Anna, I think your care for the constituents and people who you serve could be no better example of what this County is supposed to do for its citizens. Thank you for being an example for all of us.”

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