Machete Yielding Ex-Boyfriend: ‘Don’t You Mess With My Backyard Bonfire!’


smith kevin rambo

Are the effects of the Keys’ affordable housing crisis beginning to show in the crime reports? A Ramrod Key man was arrested Friday evening for threatening his “ex-girlfriend” with a machete. The two reportedly still share a home on St. Lucie Lane, Ramrod Key. 

The suspect, 56 year old Kevin Smith, joined the victim and her two girlfriends while they were dining at a restaurant. After dinner all four met up at the St. Lucie Lane home.

The victim told Deputy Wendy Negron that Smith had been behaving strangely that evening and at one point started a bonfire behind the house. She said the fire got too big, so she began to use a hose to put it out. She said Smith became angry about her intervention, grabbed a machete and began swinging it at her, making threatening and aggressive comments.

She and her two friends ran into a downstairs room and locked the door. They called 911 for help as Frank allegedly continued hitting the door and the outside wall with the machete.

When deputies arrived at 8:20 p.m. they found Smith still on the scene. They found the machete and damage to the door and wall consistent with the victim’s [and her two friends’] story. Smith was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and he was taken to jail.

Note:  The information used in this article was provided by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department.


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5 thoughts on “Machete Yielding Ex-Boyfriend: ‘Don’t You Mess With My Backyard Bonfire!’

  1. Exactly what is the correlation in this article between a machette wielding idiot and the :effects of the Keys’ affordable housing crisis?” Couldn’t one just as easlily argue this is the direct result of global waming and a machette wielding idiot?

    1. It is a rhetorical question, however, certainly it is not a huge stretch to assume that people who “break up” would prefer not to live together and that if there were an ample supply of affordable housing for single people [small units at low enough prices] then some of this “late night fun” would be avoided and subsequently so would the domestic violence that follows.

  2. As a landlord that deals with low income people everyday I can tell you they often are the ones that have problems with the law. They are the type that drink because they are depressed and that just adds to to problems. The low income are far more likely to not be responsible and do stupid s- – – like this. So yes is a direct connection. This is a nut case that will likely end up in time with murder. And time behind bars will not fix him.

  3. suffice it to say this had nothing whatsoever to do with global warming but everything to do with global cooling… see the itsy bitsy neurons all gathered round the campfire and said to themselves …selves its damn cold and we are freezing and need some warm place to thrive or we’ll be croaked so they made him do it they did. and in a nutshell that’s his court defense. $250 please! 😉 wjm

  4. I am sure if you track where such crimes as domestic disputes , rapes, drug dealers, and similar crimes you will find most are in the lower income areas. Low income areas have the one major same problem of lack of money causing arguments. It puts pressure on any family that is living in less than perfect conditions. Little food and tight living space is not easy. And they typically have low levels of education that result in the low income. Look at this case and ask why they were living together. Add alcohol to any bad situation and results like this will happen. Is no fix to the problems and is not limited to Key West. Am sure your chief Lee will confirm what I am saying is mostly true. They likely have a higher percentage of calls in certain areas.

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