Old Mystic

foggy trees

by Kirby Congdon…….

After the natives had built the stone walls for us to designate the legalities of the disorganized map of nature, the gravel tills, the knolls, and the ledges that the glacier had left in the debris of the land with its hills and gullies which the melt-down of centuries had left, we ignored any stone interruptions in the pastures and the farmland we needed. Those were only fun for children to climb or for hanging a swing or on a walk to see the back-water tidal wash on the other side of the village where cargo boats had moored by the stone wharf to deliver the goods of the nineteenth century, all of it needed to establish commerce and the business of the new century after the Civil War, a conflict that still survived for two more centuries in the nation’s economy, its morals, its grief and its need to be, at last, read.

Instead, we got electricity, telephones, plumbing, a lawn mower and a garage for the car. The Mohicans resettled back up there in Legyard building small houses and then the casinos just like our own. Everyone prospered, they said. The poets fled to that big studio, New York City as the old pastures they had known returned once more to woodland or suburban complexes with running water, sewers and a streetlight that worked.

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2 thoughts on “Old Mystic

  1. Kirby,

    Reading your essay’s provide me with a degree of comfort not often found it many of the duties assigned to my life.

    Your words heal my soul and open my eyes. They are a healing & refreshing view of the Light.

    Sincerely appreciate and value all that you’ve put forth. Thank you so very much…

  2. Kirby,
    As a New England boy and a “Nutmeger” this, what I read as, prose/poem is particularly relevant and poignantly, ironically and gently barbed …Love the reference to the ancient glacial deposits…Growing up playing on their Brontosaurus shapes surrounded by cows and corn fields…You took me back. Thank you.

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