letter to the editor

Mandatory Drug Testing


Dear Editor:

In light of all the problems that have been brought to light regarding the BOCC, the FKAA, and the CRWS and the latest editorial in the KW Citizen something Must be done. For a Public agency to use Extortion to force Select property owners into giving up their property rights when they have already made use of the existing vehicle(easement) to install their water lines, meter boxes, and now sewer piping. I hand delivered a letter to an FKAA rep. requesting FKAA to explain why they won’t use the existing easement to put the grinder pump and included a SSEA, however in their ARROGANCE they just blew me off and never responded. Who does the FKAA think they are? They are a PUBLIC AGENCY answerable to the People. Therefore:

Proposed: mandatory drug testing for ALL public officials, employees, and contractors. This also includes Elected officials and boards of directors. The testing should be twice yearly randomly taken and SHALL be done by analyzing Hair samples so as to identify users of illegal substances other than but including marijuana, which lasts longest in urine samples. So there, now let’s hear it from the elitists who feel they’re above it all. Those things only apply to the Peons.

Dr. Geno

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