7 Killer Reasons to Register for the Mystery Writers Key West Fest Today

The 2nd Annual “Murder & Mayhem in Paradise” themed Mystery Writers Key West Fest will take place August 14-16 in Key West, Florida.
The 2nd Annual “Murder & Mayhem in Paradise” themed Mystery Writers Key West Fest will take place August 14-16 in Key West, Florida.

1) Sensational Star Power: Rub elbows with international bestselling and global multi-award winning suspense-thriller writer Jeffery Deaver and other world-class and bestselling mystery authors, including James O. Born, Heather Graham, Chris Kuzneski, Libby Fischer Helman, Sandra Balzo, Nancy J. Cohen, Laurence O’Bryan, Carolina Garcia-Aguilera and many more.

2) It’s a steal of a deal: Event registration is just $125 and includes three days of exciting panels, presentations and social events – in Paradise – plus three meals in the company of Fest guests and celebrity authors.

3) You might walk into the very pages of a mystery novel: Fest guests who register by June 30 are automatically entered into a drawing for a cameo role in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Heather Graham’s next mystery tale.

4) Be a witness at the inaugural Jeremiah Healy Mystery Writing Award presentation–maybe even win it yourself! Deadline to submit the first three pages of your finished, unpublished manuscript is June 30.

5) Thrill to killer hotel room rates: Fest attendee’s who book before July 10 scoop a “killer” early bird room rate of just $199.00 per night, in deluxe digs – and that’s no small potatoes in Paradise.

6) Spy a special Fest showing of “Swingers Anonymous, the neo-noir film adapted from a book by Fest author Jonathan Woods, filmed by Quincy Perkins and recently presented at the Cannes Film Festival.

7) Ramp up your sleuthing savvy: Learn first-hand the exciting how-to’s of crime scene investigation from leading true-crime law enforcement experts.

The 2nd Annual “Murder & Mayhem in Paradise” themed Mystery Writers Key West Fest will take place August 14-16 in Key West, Florida. Register at mysterywriterskeywestfest.com and stay abreast of new developments by “Liking” the Mystery Writers Key West Fest Facebook page.

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