6TH Annual Votes for Notes Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the 6th Annual Votes for Notes benefit for Habitat for Humanity! The winners in our new JUNIOR category: 1st Place – Delaney, 2nd Place – Amelia. SOLO/DUO: 1ST Place-Dustin Sedlak, 2nd Place – Glenn Harman. BAND: 1st Place -The Shanty Hounds, 2nd Place – Bob D’Antonio and his pick-up band. The Shanty Hounds were also the winners of our One Night Wonder Prize, for bringing in the most money in one night!
The musical competition to see which acts could raise the most money was held over a period of 3 weeks in venues from Marathon to Key West was produced by local musician Ray West. The winners in each category won a $300 cash prize and 2nd place entrants were awarded gift certificates from local business. Cash prizes were sponsored by Marathon and Middle Keys Magazine and Smokin’ Tuna Saloon.
Proceeds from the events were divided between Habitat for Humanity affiliates in Key West and the Lower Florida Keys and the Middle Keys. Habitat for Humanity is committed to the development of safe, decent, and affordable homes. For more information or to make a donation, visit habitatlowerkeys.org or habitatmiddlekeys.org.