Volunteers Needed to Cleanup Boca Chica Rd.


reef relief

Reef Relief is hosting a cleanup on Friday, November 20th from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Volunteers will meet the Reef Relief staff at 9:00am on Boca Chica Rd. Look for the Reef Relief sign. Volunteer check-in will start at 9:00am and the cleanup will finish at 12:00pm. Please RSVP to Reef Relief by email at [email protected].

The mangroves of Boca Chica Rd. are home to many of the reef fish, sea turtles, birds and manatees. Trash that is not properly disposed of can quickly make its way to the ocean. Litter is not just ugly; it is dangerous to wildlife that often mistake it for food, causing starvation and death. Help make the Lower Keys a true paradise and do your part.

Reef Relief is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving and protecting our coral reef ecosystems. Find out more at http://www.reefrelief.org or call 305-294-3100.

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