letter to the editor

Veterans for Joe Garcia


Dear Editor,

I am a Vietnam veteran supporting Joe Garcia for Congress. Joe was there for us in some hard times for us Veterans. There was one Doctor in the Key West VA clinic, the next was a hundred miles away and 10 thousand Veterans in between. Miami VA said to bad no more Doctors. I called Congressman Joe Garcia, he said I’m on it. Joe went personally to the Miami VA Headquarters. It was hair teeth and eyeballs but he got us our Doctor back and a promise from the Secretary of the Navy that if any sick Veterans could not be seen in Key West the Navy hospital Doctors would step in.

Joe Garcia always made time for us Veterans. Joe kept a house in Key West and was always up and down the Keys as a way to represent all of us Not just Miami as is the case now.

The guy from the other party told me to my face he wanted to abolish the VA. I asked if he ever charged a machine gun or drug the body of a dead Marine that was due to go on R&R the next day to see his new baby for the first time all for $22.25 a week base pay. He said no. I said that if he had he might have some respect for those that did.

Joe Garcia did not serve in uniform either but he was always there for us that did. Most Americans do care about Veterans and I hope people here in the Keys will vote for Joe Garcia this August 30.

This last part is especially for Veterans. This past May Joe asked to visit a group of Veterans here in the Keys to hear what problems we were having since he was gone. I said ok. and invited Joe to a pig roast at the Disabled Veterans Building here in Marathon. I never told Joe there had been a huge Trump Rally a week or two before at this spot. I wanted To see if Joe really was still a leader and how he would handle him self. If he was still a leader this was the chance to prove it. Joe did fine. When he left he left with there respect

Bill Cooper
0331 USMC
Marathon FL.

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