Time for United Way’s Stuff the Bus

untited way school poster

Keys kids need school supplies like paper, pencils, notebooks and highlighters in order to succeed at their studies. But some kids can’t afford even these basic supplies. That’s why United Way of the Florida Keys and its community partners are proud to support their annual “Stuff the Bus,” an effort that will hopefully produce truckloads of school supplies to be distributed to all Monroe County schools from Key Largo to Key West.

Local companies can become sponsors of “Stuff the Bus” by pledging to provide a minimum amount of $250 worth of school supplies through a supply drive with their employees or customers, or by making a contribution of $250 or more, or a combination of both. Supplies can be collected until the end of August.

untited way school supplies

Individuals can participate in “Stuff the Bus” by taking school supplies to a sponsor’s business, making a donation online at http://www.gofundme.com/uwfkStufftheBus, shopping at Publix and buying “Tools for Schools” gift cards at the checkout counter, or by attending a Back to School celebration at the Hard Rock Café in Key West Thursday, August 20th from 5:30 – 8 p.m. Admission is free with the donation of school supplies. (See poster attached.)

United Way will purchase additional school supplies for Keys schools with every dollar donated in the community. For more information on “Stuff the Bus,” call the United Way office at 305-735-1929, or email [email protected].

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