Tennessee Williams Short Story Contest Offers Prizes & Publication

Dr. Susanne Woods, one of the contest organizers, announced the 2016 Contest Winners at the Annual Tennessee Williams Birthday Party

The Tennessee Williams Exhibit announces a short story writing contest as part of the 106th birthday celebration of the great American 20th century playwright and Key West resident.

Writers are asked to submit a fictional short story of between 1400 and 4000 words along with a registration form before the March 8, 2017 deadline. Registration fees are $20 for adults and $10 for students. Publication in an on-line journal is possible.

A three-panel group of judges will review the submissions with names removed. The winner will be awarded $200 and the second place winner $100. The winners will be honored and asked to read short passages from their stories at the March 26, 2017 Birthday Reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Tennessee Williams Exhibit, 513 Truman Avenue.

Additional information and registration forms are available at the twkw.org/events website.

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