letter to the editor

Some Mosquito Control Candidates Funded by Anti-GMO PAC


by Walter Lagraves…….

Dear Editor:

When I first heard the wailing and rage that a large American operation with ties to Britain had been spending money on a local PAC to influence the vote on the Key Haven Oxitec field trial….I yawned and said “so what”…this is America, free speech rules.

There is much more to the story.

An examination of public records reveals that a current Florida Keys Mosquito Control Board member and two candidates for the board have taken substantial sums of money from the local “Citizens” PAC. The PAC is largely funded by the aforementioned heavy hitting US/global organization.

It’s pretty damned obvious that the out of town money, special interest money, was paid to influence how elected Monroe County officials vote on an issue of great local concern.

The current FKMCB commissioner that is taking the money is STEVE SMITH. He’s a 20 year incumbent who, over the course of many years, has voted in favor of the Oxitec project every time the issue came up for a vote. SMITH wants back on the Board…..bad!

Now official records reveal that Commissioner Smith has accepted a large sum of money from a local PAC identified as “Citizens For Safe Science”.

Records reveal that “Citizens For Safe Science” is mostly funded by “The Institute for Responsible Technology” It is a global undertaking that spreads propaganda and training world wide in the pursuit of doing away with genetic engineering. It is a highly financed US based organization dedicated to the defeat of genetic engineering. In turn it has offshoots in Britain and world wide.

Most of the funding for “Citizens” comes from the “The Institute”, the balance of the funding is provided by quadruple and triple digit donations from local real estate interests. Remember it is real estate interests who have admitted that they oppose the field trial because they are convinced that it will hurt their property values. Among real estate interests who are donors to the PAC are Ed Swift, Mila De Meir, Niles car sales, Beth Eliot, and Dina Schoneck. Ed Swift actually wrote a letter to the FKMCB furious that the Key Haven field trial might harm his property values. But he told them he doesn’t give a damn if the trial is held anywhere else so long as it is away from his neighborhood. Others involved in the Anti GMM group have admitted that they are of like mind.

There is a local PAC sponsored and funded by British firm Oxitec and it’s parent American company. That PAC has spent money on ads, and public outreach, but has not given one cent to any elected official or to to any wannabe public official. Why?

The simple reason is that It’s just wrong.

The Anti GMM group, the Save Our Skeeter Squad, led by just a few very vocal persons, most involved in local real estate, have made the moral decision to give money to politicians in hope of influencing their vote. And our local politician have made the moral decision to accept the special interest money.

You deserve to know which politicians have accepted the special interest money.

Public records reveal that current FKMCB member STEVE SMITH has accepted their money. It was a triple digit donation. Smith is a 20 year incumbent who stills wants an additional term. Commission candidates Norris-Watkins and Janet Wood, have also accepted large contributions from the “Citizens” PAC. All the special interest money has been delivered to the politicos in triple digit denominations.

Is all of that OK with you?

I hope not….I hope that you will vote in favor of the Key Haven field trial on November 8th. Do it for your health and the health of the unborn.

Walter Lagraves
Big Pine Key, Fl.

One thought on “Some Mosquito Control Candidates Funded by Anti-GMO PAC

  1. “I hope not….I hope that you will vote in favor of the Key Haven field trial on November 8th. Do it for your health and the health of the unborn.”

    WL spoken like a true Marxist Progressive! 🙂

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