Solar Choice 2016 Florida Ballot Initiative

solar logoCalling it vitally important to the development of clean energy resources in Florida, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has announced its “strong support” in endorsing the Floridians for Solar Choice 2016 ballot initiative.  This is a grassroots citizens’ effort to allow more homes and businesses to generate electricity by harnessing the power of the sun.  Currently, Florida is one of only five states in the nation that prohibits its citizens from buying electricity from companies that install solar panels on homes and businesses.

“This fight is about consumer choice and private property rights – cherished, long-standing American principals that we strongly support as an organization and an industry,” said Rhone Resch, SEIA president and CEO.  “Despite its sun-rich resources, Florida ranked only 20th in the nation last year in new installed solar capacity.  For a state that touts itself as the ‘sunshine state,’ that’s a huge disappointment.  Clearly, the legal prohibition against certain solar installations represents a serious roadblock to the development of clean, reliable solar energy statewide.  We urge Floridians to sign this critically important, freedom-of-choice petition, allowing it to be placed on next year’s ballot.”

According to Florida law, 683,149 signatures are needed by February 1, 2016 to be included on the ballot.  If ultimately successful, Resch said the ballot initiative could dramatically spur new solar development in Florida, providing the state with a big economic boost.

“Today, the U.S. solar industry employs 174,000 Americans nationwide – more than tech giants Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter combined – and pumps nearly $18 billion a year into our economy,” Resch added.  “This remarkable growth is due, in large part, to smart and effective public policies, such as the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS).  By any measurement, these policies are paying huge dividends for both the U.S. economy and our environment.  It’s time for Florida to share in this growth, too.”

From the Solar Choice website:

WHAT IS FLORIDIANS FOR SOLAR CHOICE? Floridians for Solar Choice, Inc. is a registered Florida political committee that is sponsoring the ballot initiative. It’s a grassroots effort whose supporters include Floridians from across the political spectrum and the business community.

WHAT IS THE SOLAR BALLOT INITIATIVE? A broad coalition of businesses, conservatives and environmental organizations is working to place a question on the 2016 general election ballot asking voters to decide on expanding solar choice to Florida’s families and businesses. The ballot initiative would remove a barrier that currently blocks clean, renewable solar power.

HOW DOES IT REMOVE A BARRIER TO SOLAR POWER? Florida is one of only five states in the United States that by law expressly denies citizens and businesses the freedom to buy solar power electricity directly from someone other than a monopoly electric utility. The petition, if passed, will expand solar choice by allowing all customers the option to power their homes or businesses with solar power and who provides it to them.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR ME? It can remove the upfront cost for solar power systems and expand solar power options to residential and commercial tenants – thereby expanding the choice for solar power to all Floridians. For instance, it will lead to more choices for homeowners to contract with companies that can provide solar power systems at no upfront cost and sell power directly to the customer at a long-term fixed rate; landlords will likewise be able to provide the economic benefits of solar power to tenants.

WHY THE SIZE LIMIT? The size of the system that can sell solar power is capped at 2 megawatts (MW) to coincide with the state’s “net metering” rule size limitation. Net metering is a policy that allows customer-owned solar power systems to interconnect with the utility distribution system (the grid). The largest rooftop system in Florida is on the Orange County Convention Center and is 1 MW in size. Therefore, customer-sited solar systems will fall well within this cap and it will allow for technological innovation that may one day allow customers to generate 2 MW worth of solar power on their property.

DOES THIS ESTABLISH A REQUIREMENT FOR SOLAR? No, this is not a mandate. This will also not raise any taxes. The petition simply removes barriers that will expand the choices of Floridians who want to power their homes and business with clean, renewable solar power.

WHY A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT? Bills to allow solar choice have been filed with the Florida Legislature the last 3 years but – due to the undue influence of monopoly power companies – they didn’t make it out of the legislative committees. The bills were never even granted a hearing. That’s why we must take the issue directly to the people.

WHAT ARE THE ECONOMICS OF SOLAR FOR ME? A solar system will displace some of the electricity customers currently receive from their power company. The fuel for solar power is free. That means that once you have a solar system in place, your price for power will never increase. As utility-provided power rate increases, your solar rate will remain stable – providing more financial certainty for you in meeting your energy needs.

WHAT ARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF SOLAR TO ME? Unlike conventional power generation, solar power generates electricity with zero air emissions and no water use, thereby moving us to a cleaner energy future for our kids and grandkids.

CAN’T I DO THIS ALREADY? While the cost of solar power is dropping dramatically, it still requires a significant upfront cost to install a solar system – currently only those that have the upfront capital to invest in solar power can enjoy the benefits. The petition, if passed, will open up the solar power option to all Floridians, by allowing you to contract with solar providers that can install the panels at no upfront cost to you. If you’re a renter, and have no roof space, your landlord can invest in solar and provide the power directly to you.

WILL THIS IMPACT REGULATION INTENDED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC’S HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE? No. The petition explicitly preserves the right for state and local regulation in the interest of public health, safety and welfare in electricity production.

WILL THIS IMPACT RELIABILITY OF THE GRID IN FL? No. In fact, customer-sited solar power can promote reliability by having the source of the power closer to the user, thereby relieving pressure from the transmission and distribution system.

DO FLORDIANS SUPPORT SOLAR? In a recent poll, 74% of Florida voters said they would support a proposal to change Florida’s current law and allow Floridians to contract directly with solar companies to power their homes or businesses with solar energy. Floridians clearly support solar power – but they are currently being denied their right to choose it as their power source. This is why Floridians for Solar Choice is bringing this issue directly to the people of Florida.

HOW CAN I HELP PROMOTE SOLAR CHOICE? Sign the petition and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Help us Unleash Solar in the Sunshine State!

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