letter to the editor

Open Letter to Mayor Cates


Dear Mayor,

I am asking you please! Do not rush into any plans for the new dock master building at Key West, Garrison Bight Marina at Roosevelt Blvd and Palm Ave.

We have not had a public meeting about this important building!

I feel it must be a building that the community and visitors see and say, “Yes! This is the entrance into the famous historic waterfront distinct – What a great building!”

I have tried to follow the plans for the new dock master buildings at Key West Garrison Bight. So far we have seen three different building plans the last one is a one story, no meeting room, six bathrooms, not sure if it has showers but we were told that it has showers.

The location for the new building seems to be at the wrong location (on Palm Ave). The corner of Roosevelt Blvd and Palm Av is the best place for this important building as it is the entrance into Charter Boat Row, Houseboat Row, Old Town and our famous Historic Waterfront District.

I feel that the building should be at the corner of N. Roosevelt and Palm Ave, have parking on the first floor with bathrooms, showers and storage, second floor should be dock master office, meeting room/lunch, staff office and staff bathrooms the third floor could be a cafe with a pool.

I feel it could be a money maker for the city, with rent from the café we could charge our visitors for showers and a fee for use of the pool, membership fee for the live aboard people and we would have more parking not less as we are losing now with this last building plan.

The plans now are for the building to be on Palm Ave and you will not see the building from Roosevelt Blvd at the light! After the traffic turns on Palm Ave. all they see is the Fly NAVY BOQ not the commercial boats for all attention is attracted north. Sad! Last week we drove by the corner of Roosevelt Blvd and Palm Ave and there was a van for sale and a motor bike, it looked like a used car lot! Is this what we want as the entrance into our waterfront, I hope not.

I hope the people that are reading this and care about our city, will please contact the Mayor and Commissioners with your thoughts and ideas. I also think that the building should be named the Ed Knight building anyone agree with me?

Dottie Harden, Key West

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One thought on “Open Letter to Mayor Cates

  1. Many Children in Sears and District #2 area; For the families to go to old town to swim is tough so a pool at GB Marina along with the KW Sailing Club near by would be a nice use of tax money for the New Town families and visitors.
    Elections are near, a quick approval would be nice – a wait for the next election period is not fair. Honor ED Knight – Mr. Knight got-her-done on the Civil War statue – how about a quick approval and move forward on nice Dock Master Building on the corner in kind as Mr. Knight did?
    Write the Mayor and Commissioners, Please stand-up for this?!

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