NOAA’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Appoints Advisory Council Members


NOAA’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary named two new appointees, modified two appointments, and renewed terms of seven existing council members during the December sanctuary advisory council meeting.

“We’re fortunate to have a community that is so dedicated to serving on our advisory council,” said Sean Morton, sanctuary superintendent. “Council members play an important role by representing the community’s perspective on management issues and providing local expertise and advice.”

The new advisory council alternates appointed at this month’s meeting are:

  • Kasey Fey, Education & Outreach (Alternate)
  • Lisa Mongelia, Tourism Upper Keys (Alternate)

Within the Fishing – Commercial – Shell/Scale category, Justin Bruland’s appointment was revised to the primary seat, while Jeff Cramer became the alternate.

The following members were reappointed to the same seat for another term:

  • Chris Bergh, Conservation and Environment [2 of 2] (Primary)
  • Martin Moe, Education and Outreach (Primary)
  • George Neugent, Elected County Official (Primary)
  • Heather Carruthers, Elected County Official (Alternate)
  • Corey Malcom, Submerged Cultural Resources (Primary)
  • Diane Silvia, Submerged Cultural Resources (Alternate)
  • Andy Newman, Tourism — Upper Keys (Primary)

A full listing of council members, along with their contact information, is available on the sanctuary website at

Designated by Congress in 1990 and established in 1992, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary advisory council provides advice and recommendations on managing and protecting the sanctuary. The council includes 20 representatives and alternates from community constituent groups and 11 non-voting government representatives. Serving in a voluntary capacity for three-year terms, the council members represent a variety of local user groups, as well as the general public.

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary protects 2,900 square nautical miles of critical marine habitat, including coral reef, hard bottom, sea grass meadows, mangrove communities and sand flats. NOAA and the state of Florida manage the sanctuary. Visit us online at or on Facebook at

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