McNiece to Headline Poetry Guild Sunday

Poet Ray McNiece, who is featured poet at Sunday's KW Poetry Guild.
Poet Ray McNiece, who is featured poet at Sunday’s KW Poetry Guild.

Much lauded poet, actor, singer and educator and occasional Key West visitor Ray McNiece is featured poet at the February 7 meeting of the Key West Poetry Guild, 7 p.m. Sunday, this month at a hopefully temporary new venue: One Island Family, 801 Georgia St. at the corner of Petronia.

McNiece, of Cleveland, Ohio, is the author of eight books of poems and monologues, two major theater works, two music/poetry collaborations and a collaborative theatre work. The Orlando Sentinel, reporting on Ray’s solo show at the Fringe Festival, called him “a modern day descendant of Woody Guthrie. He has a way with words and a wry sense of humor.” He toured Russia with Yevgeny Yevtushenko, where he was dubbed “the American Mayakovski.”

Ray McNiece has been presenting his shows, writing and performance workshops for students from kindergarten through college for over 25 years. Highlights of past tours include a keynote address shared with Robert Bly at the First Coast Writer’s Conference, a featured reading at the opening of City Light’s Italia in Florence with Lawrence Ferlinghetti and a performance with his band Tongue in Groove at the Starwood Festival, opening for legendary drummer Babatunde Oluntunje.

He has received numerous awards for his writing and performance and captained two National Poetry Slam Championship teams (’92 Boston, ’94 Cleveland) and won the Arkansas Grand Slam, the largest performance poetry prize ever awarded. For more information please go to his web page

All are welcome to attend Poetry Guild meetings and may participate in additional lightning rounds, reading one original poem per round. Auditors are of course welcome as well. Nance Boylan will moerate. Please note the change of venue. For information about the KWPG phone (305) 393-7844.

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