March 2018 National Key Deer Refuge Wild Wednesday Guided Events

Everyone is invited to join our free guided nature excursions designed for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels.   In an effort to keep everyone together, the centralized meeting point will be at the National Key Deer Refuge Visitor’s Center, located in the Winn Dixie shopping plaza on Big Pine Key (179 Key Deer Blvd).  All Wild Wednesday events are free and family-friendly!

Participants are encouraged to bring a hat, sunscreen, comfortable walking shoes, water, binoculars, and dress appropriately for the weather.  For more information, email the National Key Deer Visitor Center at [email protected] or if event requires pre-registration at [email protected]

Photo credit: Loretta Gallant

March 7 Native plant walk

Curious about that tree, flower or shrub you pass by every day?

Come join us for a leisurely wander on National Key Deer Wildlife Refuge land with a local plant enthusiast. Learn about the wild native plants while enjoying time on one of our many national refuge trails.  This is an easy slow paced 1 to 1.5 hour walk.

Meet at the Refuge visitor center on Big Pine Key at 9 a.m.  Bring hydration

Photo credit: Loretta Gallant

March 14th 5-mile Bike ride  (part of Outdoor Fest)

This early evening ride travels on back roads and fire roads in National Key Deer Refuge on Big Pine Key. Since this trip will include off road trails, only well maintained, preferably hybrid style bikes should be ridden.  On this slightly challenging ride we could encounter muddy areas (if it has rained) and some minor trail obstacles.  Marsh rabbit sightings are possible as the ride traverses their habitat.  This is a fun ride!

Meet at the Refuge visitors center at 4:30pm. Helmets must be worn by all riders.  Bring hydration.

Photo credit: Loretta Gallant

March 28 Kayak trip

Cudjoe Key: Kayak pass the “Fat Albert” station to an area known for its abundant wildlife in the numerous bays and mangroves.  Because of possible wind and current conditions this is in advance beginners 4 to 5 mile trip lasting 2 to 3 hours.

Bring your own kayak or rental, plenty of water and sun protection.  Life jackets must be worn at all times.  Meet at the NKDWR visitor center at 9 a.m.

Must pre-register, limited to 12 participants.  Email [email protected] to register

Refuge Visitor Center located at 179 Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine Key, in Winn Dixie shopping plaza.

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