Man Arrested for Using Fake Checks and Another Man’s ID to Rent Apartments

A Key West man is facing nine felony charges after renting two apartments using another man’s identity and a fake check.

Daniel Michael Flynn, 40, was arrested Saturday after two different landlords reported they had been defrauded.

The first report came in on October 2ndwhen the first victim discovered that a security deposit check for a property on South Roosevelt Blvd. was an altered check.

The victim had entered into a lease agreement with a man identifying himself as Chad Fair. The victim was conducting business from outside of Key West, and did not meet the man calling himself Fair.

When the bank spotted the check as a fake, the landlord sought reimbursement from the suspect, but he had vacated the premises.

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While investigating, detectives discovered another case in which a suspect identifying himself as Fair had leased a different apartment.

In this case, the property owners received two checks from the man calling himself Fair, both written on an account belonging to Mary Fair, whom the suspect said was his mother.

Both checks were rejected by the bank as being fictitious.

Delving into the two cases, detectives discovered that a man named Daniel Flynn had active warrants in Pennsylvania for using the stolen identity of a man named Chad Fair.

The victims quickly identified the photo ID of the man calling himself Fair as Flynn.

In the meantime, detectives confirmed with Mary Fair that she had not written any checks for Key West rentals.

They also spoke with he real Chad Fair who said he knew Flynn and had, indeed, previously dealt with Flynn stealing his identity.

Police found Flynn at the Thomas Street apartment he had rented with the false checks and brought him in for questioning.

At first Flynn continued his claim that he was Fair, signing his Miranda waiver as Fair.

Once detectives disclosed that they had spoken with both Chad and his mother Mary Fair, Flynn admitted his real identity.

Flynn is facing four felony fraud charges, three felony charges for impersonating an elderly person, two felony counts for passing false checks and one felony count of forgery for signing a false name.

Note: The information in this crime report is provided by area law enforcement. Please remember that all suspects are innocent until proven guilty.


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