Local Zonta Club to Benefit from Dinner at Mangia Mangia

Zonta Club Logo_Horizontal_Color_Reverse_ KEY WEST

Dine with the Zonta Club of Key West at Mangia Mangia, 900 Southard Street, Key West on Wednesday, September 23rd from 5:30 to 9:00pm to help raise money for the Club’s service projects benefiting our community. That evening 25% of all dining checks, including all beverages and take-out orders, will be donated to the local Zonta Club.

Their local service projects include college scholarships for young women attending Key West High and women 30 and over attending Florida Keys Community College, free heart health screenings for under- and uninsured women in the lower Florida Keys and a one-on-one mentorship program for at-risk girls participating in the OPTIONS program. This year, the Club is also sponsoring a new service project incorporating resume writing and interview skills, workplace etiquette, dressing for success, and home budgeting in a one-day workshop for local girls and women.

The Zonta Club of Key West is part of Zonta International, a global service organization of women in business and the professions working to improve the status of women, with nearly 33,000 members in more than 1,200 clubs in 68 countries.


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