Last Call for National Geographic Photographer Don Kincaid at SALT Gallery

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PHOTOGRAPHER LIGHTS THE WAY TO KEY WEST’S HISTORY AND BEAUTY: “Loggerhead Light in the Dry Tortugas” and “Northwest Channel Lighthouse” are among two dozen images presented by National Geographic Photographer and local legend Don Kincaid at SALT Gallery located at 830 Fleming Street. A filmmaker and photographer for more than 40 years, Kincaid’s images document the marine habitat of the Florida Keys and the heyday of treasure-hunting, crossing “photojournalism with graphic design elements,” he says. His images offer historic moments and colorful observations of marine life that draw the viewer into the world he himself is drawn to, and like a good documentarian, he’s got the stories to go with the them. “The Northwest channel light house was built in 1855, caught fire a few years later, was rebuilt then burned down for good in 1971. My image was made a few months before the final demise,” he says. For a remarkable peek into Key West’s shipwrecks, marine life, and treasure, come check out Kincaid’s work— at SALT throughout June. For more information, call 305.517.6088 or visit