letter to the editor

Kudos to the Board

by Walter Lagraves…….

Dear Editor:

Hey Hey!  There’s some good governance going on.  You may have missed it, but last week the Board of Directors of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control Authority voted to term limit themselves.  They voted unanimously to limit membership on the board to three four year terms.  That is good news and good governance.

The entire board deserves kudos, but the prime mover was Board Chairperson, Phil Goodman.   Mr. Goodman, in his previous term on the board, had pushed for term limits, but long time incumbents managed to kill the initiative.  This time, new board members were receptive.  One of the new board members had campaigned by assuring his supporters that he would support term limits.  There is a message there that should be considered by future candidates for office in Monroe County.

Before term limits can come into effect for the board, it will be necessary for the Florida legislature to pass a local bill.  That initiative is likely to pass.

Kudos to Board Chair, Phil Goodman, and to every member of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control Authority.

http://keysmosquito.org/staff- commissioners/

2 thoughts on “Kudos to the Board

  1. Yes , Walter, thank you for recognizing this. Almost nothing is happening that is in any way politically positive.

    Thanks to Phil and the Board. There is hope!

  2. Kudos to Phil Goodman for his work with term limits for MCC board members. Too many people on too many boards in Monroe County view the positions as lifetime sinecures with outrageous salaries, considering the time outlay, health benefits and, often, retirement benefits as well. Look at the membership of the School Board. We have two new members, but two have been there long enough to remember the Harris and Truman Schools.

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