
From KWPD spokesperson, Alyson Crean:

“Key West Police Detectives on Friday night made the first arrest of an Uber driver since city officials warned the illegal drivers about possible arrest.

The City issued a final warning to all unlicensed passenger vehicle-for-hire drivers that, beginning July 1st, illegal drivers would risk arrest if they persisted in driving without the licenses required by a year-old city ordinance. Despite the warning, complaints continued that Uber drivers were picking up fares from the Key West Airport.

Detectives were able to corroborate the complaint and arrange an undercover ride. Uber driver Martin Drew Maness picked up undercover detectives just outside of the Key West Airport, delivering them to the Reach Hotel.

Maness, 51, was arrested for operating a vehicle for hire without the required city permits. Following his arrest, Maness told detectives that he was aware that driving for Uber violates city laws and that he would be arrested if he continued to act as an Uber driver. Maness said the money was worth the risk.

Operating without the required licenses is against the law and punishable as a second degree misdemeanor, which is subject to a fine up to $500 and/or up to 60 days in jail.

In June, city officials warned unlicensed drivers that they would be risking arrest. The City Commission approved an ordinance a year ago that requires such a license. The City launched an education campaign to make drivers aware of the law. In December and January, after repeated complaints, three unlawful Uber drivers were cited.”

Martin Maness, 51, was arrested on Friday night near Casa Marina Court and was released early Saturday morning after posting $700 bail.

manness mug shot


NOTE:  The City of Key West has a cap on Vehicle For Hire licenses.  There are no new licenses being issued by the City at this time.  See our “GRINDING UBER INTO THE DIRT?” story here

Stay tuned…

Last updated July 18, 2015



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  1. The last statement in the article is incorrect. “There are no licenses available at this time.” The sentence should read “there are no licenses available from the city at this time.”

    There are licenses available. I own a taxi compay here in town and all of my licenses were obtained from sources other than the city except for the ADA license the city awarded me last year.

    No one is preventing Uber from obtaining licenses, they just don’t want to pay for them.

    1. Those would be licenses to work outside of the City that you are referring to? This story is about Uber Drivers operating within the City’s jurisdiction where the City’s police would have jurisdiction to arrest them for not having a City license. What am I missing?

      1. I own Key Lime Taxi. We operate in Key West and have for almost five years. As I stated, I obtained my Private Vehicle for Hire (taxi) licenses from existing licenees. Uber can do the same.

  2. Rather illegal in my opinion to require a license that the city does not offer. In short it is a scam to make it a money scam. Buy something that is not really for sale but for ransom. We will make a note not to call LIME. The fun has just started as now Uber will be taking KW to court. Here goes thousands of tax payer $$$$$$$ and a potential award of millions because KW thinks they run the world. Fl is a right to work state and offering rides for hire is not illegal. Sure KW could have an occupational license but if not available from the city then you can’t demand it. Key West is becoming a real joke. Often wondered why so may law offices but now understand.. entrapment laws just might come into play here. Notice some of the illegal stuff that KWPD ignores and others they go after. Is this the image KW wants tourists to see. ?

    Last week we used cabs a few times and found prices reasonable and even gave nice tips, We found it cheaper to use taxi than pay to park.

    If you can’t handle competition then something is very wrong. Uber will now have no choice but fight and win or close down.

  3. Readers, First off, besides writing regularly for this publication, most people know I’ve made my living here in KW for the last 30 years or so driving a taxi. Livery service (transport for hire) is akin to a public service and must be regulated, mainly in the form of how many cars for hire are allowed to exist. This service is not like selling cookies or clothes or tours (that’s for Ed Swift), activities that can be 100% market driven. In the livery business, there must be some kind of limit as to how many vehicles there are, otherwise the business would cannibalize itself. So let’s not get wrapped up in the competition-market stuff here. This is a business that must be regulated, that is how the consumer should be protected. And Thane is entirely correct, and Jimmy is wrong. You can purchase permits from people who already have them, as well as the City issuing new ones, something that is definitely not necessary now. Now, I have no problem with any livery service operating the way Uber does, as long as they have the PERMITS. You can’t come in and get a free lunch. It is unfair, and would destroy, in the long term, good taxi service.

  4. Readers, One more thing. What Uber does is not much different than someone selling tee shirts on the street, without a license, in front of Ross. Yes, it would be cheaper, but in the long run, your shopping experience would decay and become not what you want. Legitimate business must be protected from such practices.

  5. The truth is that in the world of competition prices stay low. The city never needed to limit the number of cabs because they would limit them self if not making money. Placing a high value on a license only causes consumers to pay more than needed. I understand anyone that owns one does not want the value to drop and that is the real problem. Anyone watching the live cams can see that far too many cabs are working the street and are part of the problem. Uber is a better system as they only travel if they have a client. A license should not be allowed to be sold. This high value is making it harder for the driver to earn a living.

    It will go to court and be costly for the city and uber. Your drivers are putting in 10 hour days 6 and sometimes 7 days a week. So let me ask you this. If Uber does win in court will the drivers of taxi now switch to driving for Uber if they make more for hours spent ?

    This is not a case about safety but just a case of protecting your investment of an over priced license that would drop to zero.

    As it now is your actually creating a hazard by having drivers working too many hours.

    Even if Uber wins and results in a lower cost of getting from point a to point b we would rather not use them. When we need a ride what we look for is how fast we can get a cab. Other than a trip to airport few tourist need a long drive. Maybe a mile on average for $10 or less to a bed and breakfast or hotel.

    Defend it all you like but the truth is your only concerned with your paycheck.

  6. Jimmy, You’re lack of knowledge with regard to how the taxi business works makes any reply to this comment impossible. You are dead wrong, and you’d be sorry for what you wished for.

    1. Who are you to say anyone that disagrees is wrong ? As a driver did you actually earn a reasonable income for the area you live in ? How many hours a week ? I do know that every time the government gets involved in the business world the result is higher prices and no noticeable improvement in quality.

      The city is not concerned with my safety as much as they are concerned with the dollars they make. Uber would not increase traffic but actually lower it because fewer tourists and residents would drive own cars if the cost was a bit cheaper. It also would lower the number of intoxicated people driving home.

      But the city would never want to see that and miss the parking fees and the taxi business would suffer in loss business. Truth is that few very few cab drivers could afford to purchase a qualified car and insurance to become a Uber driver and thereby be out of a cop. Do you not see that $175 a day is a bit much for leasing a car for 10 hours ? Key West seems to enjoy being taken to court and it is just a matter of time till they arrest the wrong person.

      More than interested in seeing the actual numbers and income of the OWNERS of the cabs. Nice business with high profits and no competition. Uber can easily afford this battle and if they win KW might be paying millions.

  7. I totally agree with Jimmy. It’s a supply and demand business. It’s a service business like any other and the market will take care of itself. Uber should be allowed to operate and if Taxi cabs can’t remain competitive then the market will take care of that as well. This is now 2015 not 1985. The city runs a racket with the Taxi license’s it’s quite the joke. Consumers should be allowed to have a choice, as a whole every Uber vehicle I have ever been in has been nicer than any taxi, many of drivers offering free bottled water, asking if the temp. was ok, offering moistened facial wipes, etc. The city needs back out of this mess and let the free market decide what it want’s.

  8. You can not stop progress unless you live in North Korea. Uber is here to stay. Every city with Uber tries to say they increase congestion yet common sense says Uber would not be on the streets unless a passenger makes a request. Taxi cabs are always on the street increasing congestion. Uber fits in properly for supply and demand to take effect and that is the underlying goal of true Capitalism which is suppose to be one of the aims of a democratic society.

    Once this Uber thing is settle than the city will eventually be forced to reimburse those $200,000 ridiculous licence fees and maybe some punitive damage dollars. Then those tax cab drivers will become Uber drivers with the local banks offering special financing for those switching from driving for a cab company to driving their own Uber car.

    In the end the local greedy office holders will look like the fools that they are and will try to recoup the money they had to forfeit by either raise some sort of tax or have their underlings take a pay cut. The big boys will not take any pay cut and when the dust settles they will probably give themselves a raise. I suggest they disband the KW police department and let the county sheriff’s department police the city.

    1. Partially agree with you. At most the city might be forced to return and amount the city collected and that is not $200k

      Now the problem is that many just might not qualify to buy a new car. First issue in borrowing money from a bank is that you have a job and credit. If asking to borrow money for a new business they might be turned down as am sure much of the tip money was not reported. Chances are many of the cabs in KW would not qualify for Uber. But facing the now near worthless license value the cab owners might renegotiate the rental lease fee rather than have no drivers. And KW just might find itself defending charges of price fixing and that could turn into criminal charges.

      As much as I dislike Donie Lee and his corrupt department the fact is a local police department is best for a city the size of KW. Only cure is a new police chief and the firing of many of the thug officers. Perhaps that is every officer.

      Key West can and hopefully will get cleaned up but to do so means starting with the mayor and council members and ask every dam one of them to resign. The image of KW is very ugly right now and getting worse as the internet takes its toll.

      I find it sad because I truly love KW as a party town.

      Much of the problems could been avoided by having a police chief willing to fire officers that destroy evidence , lie about events, commit perjury. You lost all my respect and likely I am not alone. Tax payers will be paying the price when property values go down and taxes go up.

      Good news is drivers are still needed .

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