Key West Fest Friends Invites Public to City Commission Meeting

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Key West, FL – The Key West Fest Friends who have been meeting regularly since October 30th in reference to the evolution of Fantasy Fest announce that the Tourist Development Association (TDA) will be presenting to the City Commissioners on March 3, 2015 and would like to invite the community to attend.

Many in the community have been upset with the way the Festival has been promoted and would like to see change.  Kate Miano, owner of the Gardens Hotel and former queen of Fantasy Fest has said, “There are a lot of things wrong with Fantasy Fest and the direction in the recent years has been downhill.”

There will be a presentation by the TDA to the city commissioners and is open to the public. The discussion will include how the event is funded from the Tourist Development Committee (TDC) and the cost to the city. If you would like to express your concerns or just come and support the Key West Fest Friends, please join us March 3, 2015 at 6p.m. at 510 Green Street.

One thought on “Key West Fest Friends Invites Public to City Commission Meeting

  1. “There are a lot of things wrong with Fantasy Fest and the direction in the recent years has been downhill.”
    Yes are a few but I do hope they don’t destroy a major money maker.
    Only major issue we have seen in last 2 years is the amount of broken glass on Duval after the parade.This could be easily fixed by not allowing bars to sell beer in glass bottles. And hopefully get them to post exactly what is allowed and not allowed. Would it be asking too much to post the rules and clearly define nudity and the exact FF zone limits where people will see them.

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