Key West Art & Historical Society Launches “Museums & Me” Programs for Children and Families: First Partner is Oldest House Museum

In this 2016 photo, Liam Gonzalez (2) revels in the wonder of giant bubbles at a Key West Art & Historical Society Museum event. This Saturday, April 15, from 10:00am-11:30am, KWAHS and the Oldest House Museum will welcome children and their adults for a fun-packed morning of bubble play on the Oldest House lawn.

Young children and their parents have an opportunity to learn more about their cultural heritage through the efforts of the Key West Art & Historical Society with a series of museum programs tailored just for them. Their newest partnership is with with the Oldest House Museum, located at 322 Duval Street, which is stewarded by the Old Island Restoration Foundation. Together, on Saturday, April 15th from 10:00am -11:30 am, the two organizations will offer a fun-packed morning of bubble play on the Oldest House lawn.

“The history of Key West is well represented in the plethora of local museums around the island,” says Society Director of Education Adele Williams. “The goal of the Museums and Me program is to partner with these organizations and share the Keys history experience with the future generation of museum goers.”

KWAHS currently has several Museum and Me programs; Fort Adventures at Fort East Martello on Thursday morning’s from 10:00am -11:30 am and Littles on the Lighthouse Lawn at the Key West Lighthouse and Keepers Quarters on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00am -11:30 am. The weekly early childhood education sessions offer parents and toddlers alternative options for social interaction and provide a stimulating learning environment while inviting children and families to take ownership of the museums.

“Allowing parents and children alike to immerse themselves in these spectacular historical properties is an effective way to share our history with young families,” says Williams.

Sessions are free for members and $5 for non-members. Coffee will be provided; families are encouraged to bring their own snacks and blankets. For more information, visit KWAHS.ORG/EDUCATION or call Adele Williams, Director of Education at 305.295.6616 extension 115. Your museums. Your community. It takes an island.

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