Hometown! Call for Candidates Event and 2016 Candidates – Update


Expansion of the “Call for Candidates” to include 2016 Candidates who have pre-filed with the Monroe County Supervisor of Elections or the State of Florida.

Hometown recently announced that it would host its “Call for Candidates” event on July 15, 2015, at Salute Restaurant, Higgs Beach at 5 p.m. All declared and potential candidates, including those merely testing the waters, for the upcoming 2015 elections were invited to attend and make short presentations, not exceeding two minutes.

Today, Hometown wishes to announce that it will expand the “Call for Candidates” to include 2016 Incumbents and others who have pre-filed on or before July 15, with the Supervisor of Elections or the State of Florida to be a Candidate for Election to Office in 2016.

After the 2015 candidates have spoken at the “Call for Candidates event, 2016 candidates who have pre-filed on or before July 15, with the Supervisor of Elections or the State of Florida to be a candidate for election to office in 2016 will then be invited to present themselves to the voters. Presentations will be limited to two minutes.

As always, all candidates are encouraged to come early and bring with them petitions for voters to sign, campaign literature, buttons, T-shirts and other items relating to their campaign. Please bring your own tables for your campaign items. The tables should be set up outside the restaurant in the parking lot. (Space concerns prohibit the setting up of tables in the restaurant itself.)

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