Help Prevent Car Burglaries – Lock Up!

Captain Don Fanelli, on the left, and Lieutenant Al Ramirez stand beside one of the new signs, posted at Old Settler’s Park in Tavernier.
Captain Don Fanelli, on the left, and Lieutenant Al Ramirez stand beside one of the new signs, posted at Old Settler’s Park in Tavernier.

With the heaviest part of the tourist season approaching, the Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone to lock car doors and don’t leave valuables in sight. Car burglaries are usually crimes of opportunity. Typically, criminals will walk through a parking area or a neighborhood and try car doors, looking for one that is unlocked. Sometimes, they will break a locked window to get to valuable items visible inside.

The Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone this type of crime is easy to prevent. When you park your car, either remove your valuables from the car, or at the very least, hide them from plain sight. Put them in a glove compartment, under the seat or in the trunk. Then, make sure to lock the car doors.

It only takes a minute, and will discourage most criminals from choosing to burglarize the car.

In the Keys, parking areas located at the many bridges in our county and the many parks in the Keys are particularly appealing to criminals. Many tourists stop to look at the beautiful views and either don’t lock their cars; or leave luggage, purses, cameras and other valuables inside. This year, in an attempt to prevent these crimes, the Sheriff’s Office has purchased some special signs to post in areas particularly vulnerable to these types of crimes. The signs remind drivers to lock up and secure valuables.

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