GM Mosquitoes: Florida Keys Mosquito Control District to Hold Educational Presentation

Oxitec GM Mosquitoes

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District will hold an educational presentation on the following topic: “Why FKMCD is considering the Oxitec GM Mosquito.” This will be an educational presentation by Executive Director Michael Doyle around the most common question that FKMCD has received on the proposed GM Mosquito trial. The presentation will be a time to provide information and will not be an open forum for public discussion. The presentation will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the FKMCD offices in Key West (5224 College Road). If you cannot make it to the session, FKMCD will post an audio recording of the presentation on their website ( the following day. For more information about the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and to place a service request, please visit us online at or call 305.292.7190.

One thought on “GM Mosquitoes: Florida Keys Mosquito Control District to Hold Educational Presentation

  1. what no public participation? what a sham.
    a public meeting is to be held tomorrow feb 7 at the key haven park where mosquito control plans to do thier release experiment. they will also be giving a presentation and I’m sure it will be a questions asked meeting. this gmo plan is being shoved down the throat of the people. I for one am totally against their ‘experiment’ as any gmo including that in our food supply is dangerous never mind a mosquito.
    anyone who cares should be at that meeting.

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