letter to the editor

Give Randy Acevedo Another Chance?

Dear Editor,

The letters supporting Randy Acevedo from some of his friends are all warm and fuzzy, and are no doubt from a few well-intended citizens. Nevertheless, have we collectively drank the Kool-Aid which produces total memory loss? Or worse yet, are we simply returning the proverbial fox to his favorite hen house?

It begs the question, why would Monroe County School Board Commissioners even consider Randy Acevedo for this position as Assistant Coach to our vulnerable students, especially after he looked the other way while his wife virtually looted the school system, even stealing the cookie money raised by the children. His historic conviction was the worst case of ripping off and plundering the Monroe County school system that can be recalled and it would be unadulterated insanity to even allow this guy anywhere near the school grounds, not to mention the children.

Come on school board members, what are you thinking? Forgiving is one thing, but enabling a felon to return to his old stalking grounds is neither a good example of sound thinking nor American justice. Do we really want our kids exposed to and coached by a convicted school administrator or do we want a school board to keep their own credibility intact?

We should think long and hard about this decision and have our voices heard. Randy Acevedo is not someone I would want my children to hold a high regard for or admire, –DO YOU?

Kay Thacker, Key Largo

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