This Friday: The Kickoff To The 2016 FANTASY FEST King And Queen Competition

Reigning King Mark Watson and Queen Jodyrae Campbell
Reigning King Mark Watson and Queen Jodyrae Campbell

Every vote counts.

But only in Key West does that mean going to the polls again and again…and again…where stuffing the ballot box is encouraged and a little HOCUS POTUS will work its magic for a Queen and a King.

While the platforms will stress unity and education, expect a fair amount of political clowning for 8 weeks after the Kick-Off for the 2016 FANTASY FEST King and Queen this Friday, August 26th.

Beginning at 6 p.m. at The Southernmost House, 1400 Duval, the evening’s poolside party renders official who is determined to become 2016 Royalty.

“We are so fortunate to have a great cast of characters running again this year”, noted AIDS Help Executive Director Scott Pridgen. “Each has a unique story and persona to tell the public about how HIV/AIDS affected them.”

What follows Kickoff is a frenzied, frisky, feisty and always fabulous series of fundraising events Keys-wide, all innovated by the Candidates and the corps of volunteers they’ve assembled, to raise the most money and ascend to the Coronation throne as presented by the Casa Marina, a Waldorf Astoria Resort, on Friday, October 21st.

Special events of benefit to all those competing range from a weekly ‘Aqua Idol’ competition at Aqua nightclub, 711 Duval, commencing August 30th, to the much-loved Sunday BINGO upstairs at the 801 Bourbon Bar, hosted by QMitch, which equally rewards all Candidates starting August 28th.

But first comes the Kickoff song-and-dance. From a lottery held prior, home-grown entertainment will be provided, with DJ services provided by Soundwave and Jimmy Cooper and event planning by We’ve Got The Keys. Reigning 2015 Queen Jodyrae Campbell and King Mark Watson will preside.

Admission is free, but come prepared to stroll tents of Candidate-oriented swag for sale that brand their campaigns with logos and catchphrases.

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